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GenAI x Digital Leaders


Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), a type of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, is allowing enterprises to achieve better operational efficiency, derive new revenue streams, and develop new products and business models. Understanding the nascent and rapidly developing technology will help companies fully leverage GenAI’s transformational potential.

A power generator taking in GenAI icons and providing energy to a laptop with data icons.

The GenAI x Digital Leaders initiative helps digitally mature enterprises deepen their understanding of the technology and provides them with access to expertise and resources to develop and implement GenAI solutions with tech partners. A tech discovery process enables enterprises to identify and develop use cases and scope impactful projects. As enterprises progress towards implementation with the support of tech partners, they will receive guidance on the technology used and best practices for AI governance.

Through the GenAI x Digital Leaders initiative, enterprises can undergo:

Tech Discovery

Gain a deeper understanding of GenAI.

a) Gain a deeper understanding of GenAI

b) Identify use cases with potential business impact and scope projects for deployment

c) Get tech advisory from AI experts

Project Implementation

Partner tech vendors to design, develop, implement, and deploy GenAI solutions.

a) Partner tech vendors to design, develop, implement, and deploy GenAI solutions

b) Receive guidance on GenAI technology and best practices for AI governance

c) Optimise business outcomes

The GenAI x Digital Leaders initiative will build enterprises’ confidence and ability to execute GenAI solutions, driving digital transformation and business growth.

Who is it for

Business entities that meet the following requirements are eligible to participate:

  • ACRA-registered, taxable, and operating in Singapore;
  • Minimum of 30 per cent local shareholding;
  • Non-ICT companies with in-house tech capabilities and are keen to develop and deploy GenAI solutions

Eligible enterprises may receive funding support for the project implementation of their GenAI use case.

Contact us

Interested enterprises may share further details about project ideas and use cases online.