Quality of Service for postal services
IMDA requires Singapore Post Ltd (SingPost) to comply with the Postal Quality of Service (QoS) standards established by IMDA. SingPost measures and submits to IMDA the performance results it achieved for the various indicators on a quarterly basis. From time to time, where feasible, the standards set are reviewed and modified to meet with the growing demand for a higher level of service to the consumers at large.
The information below is based on SingPost's quarterly submission.
Delivery of local basic letters
(a) % of mail delivered by next working day (D+1)
IMDA's requirement: % of mail delivered by next working day - 98%^

^ With effect from 1 April 2020.
Outgoing basic letters despatched*
(b) % of outgoing mail processed and connected to departing flights by next working day
(subject to availability of flights)
IMDA's requirement: 100%
*The Quality of Service standard for outgoing basic letters despatched remained suspended in 2022 due to disruptions in flight schedules due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Incoming basic letters received
(c) % of mail received before 3pm at Singapore Post Centre delivered by next working day
IMDA's requirement: % of mail delivered by next working day - 98%^

^ With effect from 1 April 2020.