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IMDA launches roadmap to transform jobs and skills of tech workforce

Industry – Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL) Consortia to target jobs and workers disrupted by digitalisation


The Jobs Transformation Map for the Information and Communications (I&C) workforce has identified emerging tech trends that can impact future jobs. Some I&C job roles have also been identified as areas where workers may face the risk of being displaced as jobs evolve with rapid tech changes. Launched by Minister for Communications and Information Josephine Teo today at the 5G Learning Festival, she also announced that IMDA’s TechSkills Accelerator (TeSA) programme will be appointing training partners to scale up the reskilling of relevant skills for the near future.

Emerging tech trends that will influence high demand for skilled workers in the next 3 to 5 years include 5G and IoT; Cloud Computing; Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Analytics. These trends will lead to increasing demand for skills in at least three areas, namely (1) Software Engineering; (2) Cloud and Mobility; and (3) AI and analytics. To meet the growing demand for these skillsets, various IT courses in Singapore are available to help individuals prepare for a digital career in the tech and media industries. The JTM empowers workers to take control of their career development and progression by guiding them to areas where they can focus their re-skilling or up-skilling efforts. It also serves as a reference guide for employers when redesigning jobs and reskilling employees as job roles evolve, or when new ones emerge. This is pertinent for employers who are transforming their business models and workforce capabilities to stay relevant and competitive.

Early efforts to upskill the local workforce has shown promising efforts through the Singapore 5G & Telecoms Academy. Over 7,000 locals have taken courses in 5G and related technologies in the past 2 years, building the foundation for a well-trained, 5G-ready workforce. Employers have also tapped on Workforce Singapore’s Career Conversion Programme to retain and reskill existing employees to take on new or redesigned job roles, such as 5G Product Developer and Cloud System Administrator.

Further training will be done at scale through appointed training partners under IMDA’s TechSkills Accelerator (TeSA) programme, and Singaporeans can look forward to these opportunities next year. IHLs will collaborate with the industry to help employers identify at-risk employees and assist them in reskilling their I&C workforce. Modular training on basic and intermediate skills in the abovementioned areas will be available to all Singaporeans. More details will be announced when ready in 2023.

At IMDA, we want to ensure that Singaporeans continue to have good tech jobs and opportunities, and companies have good access to local tech talent. The Jobs Transformation Map we launched today is part of this effort. It looks to provide a guide for professionals to upskill and re-skill in an ever-changing Digital Economy, and provides a reference for employers to redesign jobs, as well as provide the necessary training and reskilling for their employees to take up new roles as required. We will continue to do more under our TechSkills Accelerator initiative, including working with new partners to provide Singaporeans with training opportunities in emerging areas.

Mr Kiren Kumar

Deputy Chief Executive, IMDA


Issued by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

About Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) leads Singapore’s digital transformation with infocomm media. To do this, IMDA will develop a dynamic digital economy and a cohesive digital society, driven by an exceptional infocomm media (ICM) ecosystem – by developing talent, strengthening business capabilities, and enhancing Singapore's ICM infrastructure. IMDA also regulates the telecommunications and media sectors to safeguard consumer interests while fostering a pro-business environment, and enhances Singapore’s data protection regime through the Personal Data Protection Commission.

For more news and information, visit or follow IMDA on LinkedIn (@IMDA), Facebook (@IMDAsg) and Instagram (@IMDAsg).

About the Singapore 5G & Telecoms Academy

In partnership with the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), the Singapore 5G & Telecoms Academy is set up to attract and build a ready pool of capable talent in 5G and emerging technologies such as the internet of things, cloud engineering, and data analytics.

Managed by both the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Singapore Polytechnic (SP) as Consortium Partners, the Singapore 5G & Telecoms Academy supports the industry by developing 5G-related IT training courses and academic programmes as well as collaboration with Institutions of Higher Learning and private training providers.

The Singapore 5G & Telecoms Academy is supported by the formation of the Curriculum Advisory Committee (CAC), including Academic Institutions CAC, which provides advice on curriculum matters, determine and maintain course & programme directory; and the Workforce Development Committee (WDC) which provides ground-up demand, market insights and drives adoption of manpower development in 5G & related technologies.

For media clarifications, please contact:

(Mr) Kenneth Tan
Senior Manager
(Communications and Marketing)

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