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Alliance For Action’s Collective Effort To Better Support Hawkers And Help Them Benefit [br/]From Online Ordering


The SG Together Alliance for Action (AfA) – Online Ordering for Hawkers has appointed representatives from the hawker community, industry, and government agencies, to lead efforts to help hawkers benefit from going online.

The 20-member AfA, comprises members representing hawkers, online ordering platforms, community groups running ground-up initiatives like group buy and ‘dapao’ platforms, and others. The AfA kicked off with a first conversation on 17 June to identify the broader issues and challenges experienced by hawkers in leveraging digital food platforms to supplement their business, including adoption, business models, and consumer awareness.

In support of the AfA’s work, Digital Ambassadors (DAs) from the SG Digital Office (SDO) have been engaging stallholders in hawker centres managed by the National Environment Agency (NEA) or NEA-appointed operators to raise awareness on the online ordering options popular with consumers.

Our DAs explain to hawkers the unique features and benefits of various platforms, including those that do not charge any commission or sign-up fees.

Since 20 June, our DAs have engaged more than 4,500 stallholders. Of the hawkers engaged, 33% shared that they are already using online ordering platforms to reach more customers, prior to engagement. Of those who indicated that they have not onboarded any platforms, about 14% signed up or expressed interest to do so, after the first engagement by the DAs.

As hawkers have varied needs, the AfA recognises there is no one-size-fits-all solution for all hawkers, and some hawkers may not want to tap on these solutions. Moving forward, we aim to continue to raise awareness of other digital options available to hawkers. This is to help hawkers understand the various options available so they can make informed decisions on what best meet their needs.

The AfA’s work covers a range of issues hawkers face. The appointed co-leads in the three workstreams will be exploring further ideas and possible solutions with their workstream participants to address hawkers’ concerns more comprehensively (see Annex A (259.33KB) for quotes from the respective co-leads). The co-leads and their respective workstreams are:

Workstream 1: Supporting Our Hawkers to Adopt Online Ordering Services

Co-led by Mr Anthony Low, Chairman of the Hawker Division at The Federation of Merchants’ Associations, Singapore (FMAS), and Mr Andrew Low, Group Director of the Hawker Centres Group at the National Environment Agency (NEA), this workstream aims to raise awareness of online ordering platforms amongst hawkers, and explore ways to make online ordering more accessible to hawkers.

The workstream will also develop initiatives to equip less digitally-savvy hawkers with the relevant skills to manage online orders as well as strengthen their digital presence by helping them to develop curated menus and better marketing plans on both social media and online ordering platforms. Doing so will empower hawkers to leverage on opportunities that online ordering options can bring.

Workstream 2: Developing a Sustainable Business Model

The second workstream will work towards developing a sustainable fee structure for hawkers and consumers. Helmed by co-leads, Ms Chay Pui San, Director of Public Affairs and Policy, Grab Singapore and Mr Varun Saraf, Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder of WhyQ, the workstream will identify ways to address platform charges to hawkers.

Workstream 3: Activating Demand Amongst Consumers

The third workstream aims to activate demand amongst consumers to support hawkers. To achieve this, the co-leads, Mr Lim Gek Meng, Chairman of the Chinatown Complex Hawkers’ Association and Mr Joe Sng, Associate Director of Fei Siong Group will work with the AfA members to raise consumer awareness of the hawkers on online ordering platforms through digital and offline means.

With the trend of online food ordering expected to continue in the new normal, the workstream will build and expand on existing ground-up efforts to drive greater consumer demand for hawkers to go online.

Facilitating Choices for Hawkers

With the evolving COVID-19 situation, objectives mapped out by the AfA remain pertinent. Feedback and recommendations from the three workstreams will be incorporated into the AfA (see Annex B (199.39KB) for the list of attendees to the first session of the AfA), with key updates to be shared progressively. The workstreams aim to finalise details of proposed projects and initiatives by September 2021.



Jointly issued by the SG Together Alliance for Action, National Environment Agency and the Infocomm Media Development Authority

About the SG Together Alliance for Action (AfA) – Online Ordering for Hawkers

The SG Together Alliance for Action (AfA) - Online Ordering for Hawkers was formed on 17 June 2021 to help hawkers understand the benefits in going digital as well as support hawkers onboard online ordering and delivery services. The AfA members, comprising the hawker community, food and beverage industry, food ordering and delivery platform companies, andthe public sector, will be working closely together on three workstreams to help hawkers to make informed choices that best meet the needs of their customers and business.

About National Environment Agency

The National Environment Agency (NEA) is the leading public organisation responsible for ensuring a clean and sustainable environment for Singapore. Its key roles are to improve and sustain a clean environment, promote sustainability and resource efficiency, maintain high public health standards, provide timely and reliable meteorological information, and encourage a vibrant hawker culture. NEA works closely with its partners and the community to develop and spearhead environmental and public health initiatives and programmes. It is committed to motivating every individual to care for the environment as a way of life, in order to build a liveable and sustainable Singapore for present and future generations.

For more information, visit

About Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) leads Singapore’s digital transformation with infocomm media. To do this, IMDA will develop a dynamic digital economy and a cohesive digital society, driven by an exceptional infocomm media (ICM) ecosystem – by developing talent, strengthening business capabilities, and enhancing Singapore's ICM infrastructure. IMDA also regulates the telecommunications and media sectors to safeguard consumer interests while fostering a pro-business environment, and enhances Singapore’s data protection regime through the Personal Data Protection Commission.

For more news and information, visit or follow IMDA on LinkedIn (@IMDA), Facebook (@IMDAsg) and Instagram (@IMDAsg).

For media clarifications, please contact:

(Ms) Bridget Chang
(Corporate Communications)
DID: 6708 6237 / 8481 8697

(Ms) Chloe Choong
(Communications and Marketing)

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