Be aware of scammers impersonating as IMDA officers and report any suspicious calls to the police. Please note that IMDA officers will never call you nor request for your personal information. For scam-related advice, please call the ScamShield Helpline at 1799 or go to

e-Payment Bonus Extended to Help More Stallholders

Eligibility period extended from 31st December 2020 to 31st May 2021


Enterprise Singapore (“ESG”), Infocomm Media Development Authority (“IMDA”) and the SG Digital Office (“SDO”) will be extending the e-payment bonus eligibility period for stallholders from 31 December 2020 to 31 May 2021. This is to provide more time for them to make use of the bonus (of up to $1,500) to adopt the Unified e-payment Solution (UePS) for their stall operations. 

By encouraging the sustained use of e-payments, the bonus complements the government’s efforts to help stallholders adopt e-payment solutions1 to improve their productivity and enable them to safely operate in a post-COVID-19 environment. In November 2020, more than 7,000 stallholders received their e-payment bonus. Stallholders will still enjoy up to a maximum of $1,500, paid out in five monthly instalments of $300, if they fulfil at least 20 transactions (of at least $1) each month by 31 May 2021. All applicable bonus will still be paid by 30 June 2021.

Under the Hawkers Go Digital programme, SDO Digital Ambassadors have engaged more than 18,000 stallholders and more than 8,400 stallholders have adopted the e-payment solution. ESG, IMDA and SDO will continue to support our stallholders’ digitalisation journey.


Jointly issued by Enterprise Singapore, Infocomm Media Development Authority and SG Digital Office

About Enterprise Singapore

Enterprise Singapore is the government agency championing enterprise development. We work with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate and internationalise. We also support the growth of Singapore as a hub for global trading and startups, and build trust in Singapore’s products and services through quality and standards. Visit for more information.

About Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) leads Singapore’s digital transformation with infocomm media. To do this, IMDA will develop a dynamic digital economy and a cohesive digital society, driven by an exceptional infocomm media (ICM) ecosystem – by developing talent, strengthening business capabilities, and enhancing Singapore's ICM infrastructure. IMDA also regulates the telecommunications and media sectors to safeguard consumer interests while fostering a pro-business environment, and enhances Singapore’s data protection regime through the Personal Data Protection Commission.

For more news and information, visit or follow IMDA on LinkedIn (@IMDA), Facebook (@IMDAsg) and Instagram (@IMDAsg).

About the Singapore Digital Office (SDO)

The Singapore Digital Office (SDO), established under the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), drives our concerted nationwide movement to accelerate digital adoption in our community. To achieve this, SDO will work with like-minded members of the community, corporate entities and individuals to reach out to every citizen, worker and business, to equip them with the digital tools and skills to participate meaningfully in the evolving social and economic environment. Through this whole-of-nation movement, we will ensure every Singaporean has a place in our shared digital future. For more information, visit or follow SDO on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

For media clarifications, please contact:

(Mr) Aung Thi Ha
(Communications and Marketing)

(Ms) Cheng Kiat Loon
Deputy Director
(Corporate Communications)
Enterprise Singapore
DID: (65) 6433 4465

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