1. The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) is introducing a new Digital Skills for Life (DSL) framework, which is a set of five baseline digital competencies for Singaporeans to carry out daily tasks online. This framework is part of a Whole-of-Government effort to support Singaporeans of all ages in strengthening their digital literacy skills.
2. IMDA’s inaugural Singapore Digital Society Report published in November 2023 noted that while there was now a higher level of adoption of digital skills across the population, there was still scope for improvement. As such, IMDA is continuing with its efforts in equipping Singaporeans with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to navigate the digital space and stay safe online through the DSL framework.
3. The framework covers the following five competencies, which are essential in carrying out daily tasks online and enhancing daily living. These skills are applicable across digital apps.
Competency | Description |
1. Set up and use smart devices | Set up and operate the basic hardware and software of mobile devices |
2. Explore information online | Search, view and retrieve information online |
3. Communicate online | Connect with others online |
4. Transact online | Carry out online transactions, including e-payment, with both government agencies and other goods and services providers |
5. Be safe, smart and kind online | Safeguard against cyber threats; protect personal information; develop a positive online presence |
4. The competencies under this framework are developed to meet the daily needs of Singaporeans, and take reference from the following:
- International frameworks such as the United Kingdom’s Essential Digital Skills Framework and the Digital Competence Framework for the European Union;
- Experience and insights from IMDA’s training of seniors and ‘young seniors’ in their 50s and 60s under the Seniors Go Digital programme1 since 2020. The programme has helped us better understand and identify the essential digital skills Singaporeans need to navigate the online space and carry out tasks for daily living. These insights enabled us to develop learning resources that meet the needs on the ground, including step-by-step guides with bigger font sizes; and
- Input from stakeholders and experts, such as academia, World Bank, and the 16,000 learners who were members of the public, during our pilot run of programmes based on the DSL framework from July to November 2023.
5. In line with the DSL framework, IMDA has collaborated with partners under the Digital for Life (DfL) movement to develop resources covering 24 topics across the five key competencies. The resources are available in four languages. The English version will be launched in January 2024, while Mandarin, Malay and Tamil versions will be progressively launched by end-June 2024.
- For learners – Basic starter kits consisting of step-by-step guidebooks and videos covering all five competencies.
- For trainers – Lesson plans and training slides developed according to defined learning outcomes to ensure consistency.
6. Singaporeans can learn the digital skills under the DSL framework through the following channels:
- Approach any of the 37 permanent SG Digital community hubs and 200 roving hubs across Singapore. SDO Digital Ambassadors and Silver Infocomm Wellness Ambassadors will be trained progressively to deliver the DSL curriculum by end-January 2024.
- Learners’ resources will also be available on IMDA’s DfL portal from 10 January 2024 onwards, where Singaporeans can learn at their own pace and in the comfort of their homes.
7. The DSL framework supports the national DfL movement, which mobilises partners from the private, people and public sectors to help Singaporeans (i) embrace digital for enriching their lives, and (ii) develop a lifelong learning passion for digital skills.
8. Apart from serving individual learning needs, the DSL framework also serves as a guide for partners in the industry and community to develop learner-centric resources for Singaporeans. IMDA welcomes partners who wish to develop new resources and content and teach Singaporeans essential digital skills based on the DSL framework. IMDA will also work with stakeholders and partners to review and update the DSL framework regularly to ensure that it remains relevant. Partners are encouraged to take reference from the DSL framework when they conduct training on digital skills. Interested partners are welcomed to write to IMDA through the DfL portal or