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Telecommunications Act 1999

Telecommunications Act 1999
No Title
1 Telecommunications (Certificates of Competency for Ship Station Operators) Regulations (Cap 323, Rg 1, 2002 Revised Edition) (235.53KB)
2a Telecommunications (Class Licences) Regulations (Cap 323, Rg 3, 2002 Revised Edition) (111.10KB)
2b Telecommunications (Class Licences) (Amendment) Regulations 2003 (S 61/2003) (83.69KB)
2c Telecommunications (Class Licences) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2003 (S 166/2003) (82.96KB)
2d Telecommunications (Class Licences) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 (S 565/2004) (84.46KB)
2e Telecommunications (Class Licences) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 (S 476/2005) (88.69KB)
2f Telecommunications (Class Licences) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S 76/2007) (16.54KB)
2g Telecommunications (Class Licences) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 (S 110/2008) (14.42KB)
2h Telecommunications (Class Licences) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 (S 685/2011) (133.10KB)
3a Telecommunications (Cable Detection Workers) Regulations (Cap 323, Rg 4, 2002 Revised Edition) (95.37KB)
3b Telecommunications (Cable Detection Workers) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 (S 477/2005) (84.48KB)
3c Telecommunications (Cable Detection Workers) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S 220/2007) (24.75KB)
4a Telecommunications (Radio-communication) Regulations (Cap 323, Rg 5, 2002 Revised Edition) (190.27KB)
4b Telecommunications (Radio-communication) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 (S 707/2005) (83.17KB)
4c Telecommunications (Radio-communication) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 (S 263/2006) (22.00KB)
4d Telecommunications (Radio-communication) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (S 461/2009) (42.50KB)
4e Telecommunications (Radio-communication) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 (S 20/2011) (21.00KB)
4f Telecommunications (Radio-communication) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 (S 100/2016) (196.58KB)
5a Telecommunications (Dealers) Regulations (Cap 323, Rg 6, 2004 Revised Edition) (128.73KB)
5b Telecommunications (Dealers) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 (S 478/2005) (102.08KB)
5c Telecommunications (Dealers) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S 396/2007) (14.73KB)
5d Telecommunications (Dealers) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 (S 210/2010) (62.58KB)
5e Telecommunications (Dealers) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 (S 178/2011) (72.19KB)
5f Telecommunications (Dealers) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 (S 251/2013) (40.32KB)
5g  Telecommunications (Dealers) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 (S 414/2014) (14.46KB)
5h  Telecommunications (Dealers) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 (S 725/2014) (101.44KB)
6 Telecommunications (Internal Wiring) Regulations 2005 (S 479/2005) (104.24KB)
7 Telecommunications (Composition of Offences) Regulations 2005 (S 706/2005) (81.43KB)
7b Telecommunications (Composition of Offences) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 (S 686/2011) (27.48KB)
8a Telecommunications (Exemption from sections 33, 34(1)(b) and 35) Notification (Cap 323, N 1, 2002 Revised Edition) (98.75KB)
8b Telecommunications (Exemption from sections 33, 34(1)(b) and 35) (Amendment) Notification 2003 (S 591/2003) (89.00KB)
8c Telecommunications (Exemption from sections 33, 34(1)(b) and 35) (Amendment) Notification 2004 (S 651/2004) (92.04KB)
8d Telecommunications (Exemption from sections 33, 34(1)(b) and 35) (Amendment) Notification 2006 (S 265/2006) (19.02KB)
8e Telecommunications (Exemption from sections 33, 34(1)(b) and 35) (Amendment) Notification 2008 (S 1/2008) (14.54KB)
8f Telecommunications (Exemption from sections 33, 34(1)(b) and 35) (Amendment) Notification 2011 (S 179/2011) (69.97KB)
8g Telecommunications (Exemption from sections 33, 34(1)(b) and 35) (Amendment) Notification 2013 (S 252/2013) (19.78KB) 
8h  Telecommunications (Exemption from sections 33, 34(1)(b) and 35) (Amendment) Notification 2014 (S 415/2014) (11.83KB)


Telecommunications (Exemption from sections 33, 34(1)(b) and 35) (Amendment) Notification 2014 (S 726/2014) (190.88KB)
9 Telecommunications (Exemption of Resellers of Local Calls Operating Coinafons or Payphones) Notification 2007 (S 77/2007) (17.03KB)
10 Telecommunications (Prescribed Trusts) Regulations 2017 (167.89KB)

View the list of subsidiary legislation, which incorporate all amendments published to date, at the Singapore Government Statutes Online website.