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Applications Received for Wireless Broadband Spectrum Rights Auction

All seven applicants have been qualified and are eligible to participate in the WBA auction. The auction will commence on 16 May 2005.
As of the closing date of 21st April 2005, the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore has received 7 applications (totalling 38 Initial Offers) from parties interested to participate in the Wireless Broadband Spectrum Rights Auction.

Applications have been received from the following parties:

  1. inter-touch Holdings (Singapore) Pte Ltd
  2. Pacific Internet Corporation Pte Ltd
  3. MobileOne Ltd
  4. Qala Singapore Pte Ltd
  5. Singapore Telecom Mobile Pte Ltd
  6. StarHub Ltd
  7. Zone Telecom Pte Ltd

IDA will assess the applications and inform the parties of their eligibility. IDA will announce on 3 May 2005 (or such other date as IDA may determine) on whether the Wireless Broadband Spectrum Rights Auction will take place.

Results of Wireless Broadband Spectrum Rights Auction

At the close of the Wireless Broadband Spectrum Rights Auction on 24 May 2005, the following WBA Spectrum Lots were awarded to the successful Bidders: