Be aware of scammers impersonating as IMDA officers and report any suspicious calls to the police. Please note that IMDA officers will never call you nor request for your personal information. For scam-related advice, please call the ScamShield Helpline at 1799 or go to

25 October 2010

IDA Grants 3G Spectrum Rights (2010)

Upon payment of $20 million each from M1 Limited, SingTel Mobile Singapore Pte Ltd and StarHub Mobile Pte Ltd, IDA has granted 3G Spectrum Rights (2010) to each of the three parties on 25 October 2010. The 3G Spectrum Rights (2010) are awarded to:

  • M1 Limited for Lot A
  • SingTel Mobile Singapore Pte Ltd for Lot B
  • StarHub Mobile Pte Ltd for Lot C

The 3G Spectrum Rights (2010) will be effective from 1 November 2010 and will expire on 31 December 2021.

5 October 2010

IDA Issues Three Provisional 3G Spectrum Rights (2010)

IDA has received a total of 3 applications (totalling 3 Initial Offers) from parties interested to participate in the 3G Spectrum Rights (2010) Auction at the submission deadline of 5pm, 4 October 2010. The Initial Offers confirm the bidders' commitment to participate in the auction, including the specific 3G Spectrum Lot(s) each bidder is interested to obtain.

The parties who submitted Initial Offers to IDA are:

  1. M1 Limited
  2. SingTel Mobile Singapore Pte Ltd
  3. StarHub Mobile Pte Ltd

No more than one Initial Offer was made in respect of each of the three 3G Spectrum Lots available for allocation. Therefore, the 3G Spectrum Rights (2010) Auction will not take place.

IDA will allocate the 3G Spectrum Lots to each of the three bidders pursuant to their Initial Offer Document. Each 3G Spectrum Lot allocated will be awarded at the Reserve Price of $20 million (inclusive of the applicable GST).

IDA will issue a Provisional Award Notice to each of the three bidders. The 3G Spectrum Right (2010) will be granted after IDA has received the 3G Spectrum Right Payment from the respective bidders.

24 September 2010

IDA has issued the clarifications to queries raised relating to the 3G Spectrum Rights (2010) Auction. IDA has also issued revisions to the Auction Rules and the Bank Guarantee Template.

3 September 2010

IDA has published the auction rules for the 3G Spectrum Rights (2010) Auction. All queries on the auction are to be submitted to IDA by hand or by fax (Fax number: +65 6211 2116), attention to Ms Aileen Chia, by 5pm, 20 September 2010.

IDA is prepared to conduct an optional briefing to potential bidders on the 3G Spectrum Rights (2010) Auction Framework on 17 September 2010, 2:30pm, at IDA. Interested bidders are invited to register with IDA by 5pm, 15 September 2010. Please send email to with the subject header "3G Spectrum Rights (2010) Auction Briefing".This content is for 3G Spectrum Rights 2010 Auction page

3G Spectrum Rights (2010) Auction 
Information Memorandum (165.29KB)
Auction Rules (313.08KB) (updated 24 September 2010)
Appendix 1 - Application Form (170.16KB)
Appendix 2 - Initial Offer (124.76KB)
Appendix 3 - Bank Guarantee (121.66KB) (updated 24 September 2010)
Appendix 4 - 3G Spectrum Right (2010) Template (163.15KB)
Appendix 5 - 3G FBO Licence Template (203.95KB)
Clarifications to Queries Raised Relating to Auction of 3G Spectrum Rights (2010) (218.40KB)