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Results of 10.5 GHz Spectrum Rights Auction

At the submission deadline of 6pm, 16 January 2008, IDA had not received any Initial Offers for the 10.5 GHz Spectrum Rights Auction. As such, this auction will not proceed. The 10.5 GHz spectrum will be available for future allocation if there is indication of interest from the industry.

10.5 GHz Spectrum Rights Auction

IDA has reviewed the allocation of the 10.5 GHz band. To make better use of our spectrum resources and in response to industry interest in the 10.5 GHz band for point-to-multipoint links, IDA will allow the 10.5 GHz band to be used to operate point-to-point and point-to-multipoint radio systems for wireless backhaul.The available spectrum will be allocated through an auction. Interested parties must submit their Initial Offers and Bank Guarantee delivered by hand to:

Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore
8 Temasek Boulevard
#14-00 Suntec Tower Three
Singapore 038988

For the attention of: Mr Andrew J. Haire by no later than 6pm, 16 January 2008.

All queries on the auction must be submitted to IDA by hand or by fax (Fax Number: +65 6211 2116), attention to Mr Andrew J. Haire, by 6pm, 9 January 2008.

10.5 GHz Spectrum Rights Auction
Information Memorandum (124.25KB)
Auction Rules (200.04KB)
Appendix 1 - Initial Offer Document (58.19KB)
Appendix 2 - Bank Guarantee (51.04KB)
Appendix 3 - 10.5 GHz Spectrum Right Template (64.75KB)
Clarifications of Queries Relating to Auction of 10.5 GHz Spectrum Rights (18.54KB)