Be aware of scammers impersonating as IMDA officers and report any suspicious calls to the police. Please note that IMDA officers will never call you nor request for your personal information. For scam-related advice, please call the ScamShield Helpline at 1799 or go to

Letter Box Specifications and Guidelines

IMDA regulations govern the number, place, dimensions, and other characteristics of letter boxes in Singapore, in accordance with Section 16 of the Postal Services Act (Cap 237A). IMDA has the authority to issue or approve any specifications relating to these letter boxes, and may amend or revoke such specifications as needed to ensure that they are in line with current regulations and standards.

A developer of any residential, commercial or industrial building is also required to:

  1. provide one letter box per unit in the case of any residential building and one letter box per tenant in the case of any commercial or industrial building;
  2. ensure that the letter boxes provided under paragraph (a) are numbered in numerical sequence; and
  3. comply with all other specifications laid down by IMDA.

For this purpose, IMDA has approved a set of specifications and guidelines (2.35MB) for installing letter boxes, which was developed and issued by Singapore Post Ltd ("SingPost").  SingPost has been authorised by the IMDA to administer the specifications and guidelines for the purpose of ensuring conformity in the design and installation of letter boxes in Singapore. 

Developers of residential, commercial and industrial properties are required to submit details of its letter box designs and installation plans in compliance with such specifications and guidelines to:

The Officer-In-Charge

Singapore Post Limited
Mail Operations & Service Quality Department

10 Eunos Road 8 #05-37
Singapore Post Centre
Singapore 408600

Tel: 6845 6698 / 6845 6521
Fax: 6841 3843

As stated in Section 3.8 of the Letter Box Specifications and Guidelines, IMDA strongly encourages all building developers, owners, managing agents and town councils to allow Postal Service Operators ("PSOs") licensed by IMDA access to the keys which allow them access to the letter box apertures (the "Aperture Masterdoor Keys") in order to facilitate their delivery of mail to the building residents.

IMDA has therefore devised a set of recommended practices (33.42KB), which building developers, owners managing agents and town councils may choose to adopt, in the event that they are approached by any licensed PSO for the Aperture Masterdoor Keys, and are agreeable to providing the licensed PSO with a set of such keys.