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Subsequent RIO Amendments Not Arising From Public Consultations

    27 February 2025

    List of revisions to Singtel’s RIO as submitted by Singtel

    Refer to the list of revisions to the RIO (134.69KB) as submitted by Singtel and the reasons for the revisions.

    17 January 2023

    Extension of Singtel’s RIO

    Pending the review of the RIO, IMDA directed Singtel to extend the validity of the existing RIO by a further one-year period (i.e., from 30 January 2023 to 29 January 2024).

    Pursuant to IMDA’s Direction, Singtel submitted one clean copy of its revised RIO to extend the validity of the existing RIO. Refer to the IMDA’s notification to all IMDA licensees (35.28KB) on the Singtel’s RIO extension for more details.

    12 January 2022

    Effective date of the submarine Common Duct Network (CDN) schedules

    Following the completion of the CDN construction at Tuas South, the following RIO CDN schedules will be effective on 12 January 2022:

    • Schedule 13 – Licensing of CDN; and
    • Corresponding CDN prices as stipulated within Schedule 9.
    Singtel's RIO
    Main Body (404.66KB) Updated on 17 January 2023
    Schedule 1 - Physical and Virtual (Distant) Interconnection (432.70KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 1 - Annexures (672.02KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 2 & 2A - Orgination, Termination and Transit & Call Origination Service (194.61KB)
    Schedule 2B - Call Termination Service (156.22KB)
    Schedule 2C - Call Transit Service (56.11KB)
    Schedule 3A - Licensing of Local Loop/Sub-Loop (672.81KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 3B - Line Sharing (410.46KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 3C - Sale of Internal Wiring (194.59KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 3D - Licensing of Building MDF Distribution Frame (310.13KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 3E - Licensing of Outdoor Cabinet Distribution Frame (383.35KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 4A - Emergency Call Service (169.12KB)
    Schedule 4B - Submarine Cable Connection Service (192.92KB) Updated on 12 December 2018
    Schedule 4C - IRS Tail Circuit Service (544.63KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 5A - Licensing of Lead-in Duct & Lead-in Manholes (458.78KB) Updated on 26 June 2020
    Schedule 5C - Licensing of Roof Space & Co-location Space at Roof Sites (320.28KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 5C - Attachments (419.11KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 8 - Co-location (8.55KB)
    Schedule 8A - Co-location for Point of Interconnection (POI) or Point of Access (POA) (663.27KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 8B - Access to Mandated Servives (305.80KB)
    Schedule 8D - Co-location at Submarine Cable Landing Station (556.94KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 8 - Attachments (394.77KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 9 - Charges (441.28KB) Updated on 12 January 2022
    Schedule 10 - Billing (103.42KB) Updated on 2 August 2018
    Schedule 11 - Dispute Resolution (21.30KB)
    Schedule 12 - Dictionary (244.45KB) Updated on 12 January 2022
    Schedule 13 - Licensing of CDN (522.59KB) Updated on 12 January 2022

    12 January 2022  

    Extension of Singtel’s RIO

    Due to the on-going review of the Telecom Competition Code 2012, and pending the review of the RIO, IMDA directed Singtel to extend the validity of the existing RIO by a further one-year period (i.e., from 30 January 2022 to 29 January 2023).

    Pursuant to IMDA’s Direction, Singtel submitted one clean copy of its revised RIO to extend the validity of the existing RIO. Refer to the IMDA’s notification to all IMDA licensees (34.16KB) on the Singtel’s RIO extension for more details.

    22 January 2021  

    Extension of Singtel’s RIO

    Singtel submitted one clean copy of its revised RIO to extend the validity of the existing RIO by a further one-year period (i.e., from 30 January 2021 to 29 January 2022). Refer to the IMDA’s notification to all IMDA licensees (34.35KB) on the Singtel’s RIO extension for more details.

    6 January 2021

    Direction of the Info-communications Media Development Authority – Extension of Singtel’s RIO

    As IMDA is in the midst of reviewing the Telecom Competition Code 2012, and pending the review of the RIO, IMDA has directed Singtel to extend the validity of the existing RIO by a further one-year period (i.e., from 30 January 2021 to 29 January 2022).

    26 June 2020

    Consultation on access to building lead-in ducts under Singtel’s RIO

    On 19 December 2019, IMDA directed Singtel to modify the RIO to implement the framework on duct space leasing for building lead-in ducts under RIO (“Directed Modifications”). On 12 June 2020, IMDA directed Singtel to incorporate specific drafting language to its RIO (“Directed Amendments”). Singtel submitted one clean copy of its revised RIO incorporating the Directed Amendments to IMDA on 19 June 2020.

    Singtel's Revised RIO Incorporating IMDA's Directed Amendments
    Main Body (461.23KB)
    Schedule 5A (458.78KB)
    Schedule 9 (299.70KB)

    5 December 2018

    List of revisions to Singtel’s RIO as submitted by Singtel

    Refer to the list of revisions to the RIO (139.33KB) as submitted by Singtel and the reasons for the revisions.

    30 July 2018

    Consultation on change of communication mode from fax to email under Singtel’s RIO

    On 26 June 2018, IMDA directed Singtel to modify the RIO to implement the change of communication mode from fax to email under RIO (“Directed Modifications”). Singtel submitted the proposed changes to the RIO on 20 July 2018 and IMDA approved the changes on 25 July 2018. Singtel submitted the clean copy of the approved RIO on 30 July 2018.

    24 January 2018

    Extension of Singtel’s RIO

    Singtel submitted one clean copy of its revised RIO to extend the validity of the existing RIO by a further three-year period (i.e., from 30 January 2018 to 29 January 2021). Refer to the IMDA’s notification to all IMDA licensees (81.70KB) on the Singtel’s RIO extension for more details.

    17 January 2018

    Direction of the Info-communications Media Development Authority – Extension of Singtel’s RIO

    As IMDA is in the midst of reviewing the Telecom Competition Code 2012, and pending the review of the RIO, IMDA has directed Singtel to extend the validity of the existing RIO by a further three-year period (i.e., from 30 January 2018 to 29 January 2021).

    29 December 2014

    Extension of SingTel's RIO

    SingTel submitted one clean copy of its revised RIO to extend the validity of the existing RIO by a further three years (i.e., from 30 January 2015 to 29 January 2018). Refer to the IDA's notification to all IDA licensees (46.36KB) on the SingTel's RIO extension for more details.

    19 December 2014

    Direction of the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore - Extension of SingTel's RIO

    As IDA intends to review the Telecom Competition Code 2012 in 2015, IDA is of the view that it is an appropriate juncture to commence a review of the RIO prices, terms and conditions in 2015/2016. IDA has therefore directed SingTel to extend the existing RIO by a further three years (i.e., from 30 January 2015 to 29 January 2018).

    2 February 2012

    Refer to the notification on the Specification Of Commencement Date of the Reference Interconnection Offer (44.20KB) for more details.

    3 November 2011

    Extension of SingTel's RIO

    SingTel submitted one clean copy of its revised RIO to extend the validity of the existing RIO by a further one year (i.e., from 16 November 2011 to 15 November 2012). Refer to the IDA's notification to all IDA licensees (44.09KB) on the SingTel's RIO extension for more details.

    24 October 2011

    Direction of the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore - Extension of SingTel's RIO

    In view of the current RIO review being carried out, which IDA expects to be completed by the first quarter of 2012, IDA has directed SingTel to extend the existing RIO by a further one year (i.e., from 16 November 2011 to 15 November 2012).

    17 July 2009

    Submission of SingTel's RIO Incorporating IDA's Directed Amendments

    SingTel submitted one clean copy of its revised RIO incorporating IDA's 10 July 2009 Directed Amendments.

    10 July 2009

    Direction of the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore - Incorporation of Specific Drafting Language to SingTel's RIO

    On 10 July 2009, IDA issued a Direction to SingTel to Incorporate Specific Drafting language to its RIO ("Directed Amendments") pertaining to the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act and Workplace Safety and Health Act. The Directed Amendments as well as the IDA-approved Main Body and Schedule 5A Annexures are to take effect immediately. The full text of IDA's Direction can be found below.

    1 June 2009

    Submission of Proposed Modifications to SingTel's RIO For Compliance with the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act (Chapter 91A) and Workplace Safety and Health Act (Chapter 354A)

    On 1 June 2009, SingTel submitted its proposed modifications to the relevant Schedules under its RIO to ensure compliance with the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act and Workplace Safety and Health Act.

    15 April 2009

    Change of Address for Requesting Licensees to Submit the Notification of Acceptance of RIO

    SingTel has submitted one clean copy of its revised RIO incorporating the above mentioned change in address. Refer to the revised RIO (207.10KB) for more details.

    10 November 2008

    Extension of SingTel's RIO

    IDA plans to conduct a review of the Telecom Competition Code and the SingTel RIO.

    As the SingTel RIO is due to expire on 15 November 2008, IDA has directed SingTel to amend its RIO to extend the validity of the RIO by another 3 years, i.e. to 15 November 2011.

    Refer to the IDA's notification to all IDA licensees (69.52KB) on the SingTel's RIO extension for more details.

    28 September 2007

    Submission of SingTel's RIO Incorporating IDA's Directed Amendments

    SingTel submitted one clean copy of its revised RIO incorporating IDA's 21 September 2007 Directed Amendments.

    SingTel's Revised RIO Incorporating IDA's Directed Amendments
    Main Body (139.68KB)
    Schedule 5B (65.87KB)

    21 September 2007

    Direction of the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore - Incorporation of Specific Drafting Language to SingTel's RIO

    On 21 September 2007, IDA issued a Direction to SingTel to Incorporate Specific Drafting language to its RIO ("Directed Amendments") pertaining to the decommissioning of Yio Chu Kang Radio Receiving Station. The directed amendments as well as the IDA-approved Main Body are to take effect immediately. The full text of IDA's Direction can be found below.

    LAST UPDATED: 27 FEB 2025