Be aware of scammers impersonating as IMDA officers and report any suspicious calls to the police. Please note that IMDA officers will never call you nor request for your personal information. For scam-related advice, please call the ScamShield Helpline at 1799 or go to

Browse through historical notices associated with the Equipment Registration Framework, showcasing the dynamic development of IMDA regulations and their impact on the telecommunications industry in Singapore.


1) Cessation of equipment registration and sales of 3G-only mobile terminals and non-VoLTE capable mobile/smart phones

On 26 July 2023, IMDA together with Singtel Mobile Singapore Pte Ltd, StarHub Mobile Pte Ltd and M1 Limited (collectively the "MNOs") announced the planned cessation of MNOs’ 3G networks and the provision of 3G services, with effect from 31 July 2024.

With the impending cessation of the 3G networks, IMDA will stop accepting new registrations and renewals of 3G-only mobile terminals1 and non-VoLTE2 capable mobile/smart phones3 with effect from 1 November 2023

With effect from 1 February 2024:

  • IMDA will de-register the approved registrations of 3G-only mobile terminals and non-VoLTE capable mobile phones.
  • The sale of 3G-only mobile terminals and non-VoLTE capable mobile phones for local use will accordingly no longer be allowed from 1 February 2024. Dealers/equipment suppliers who had previously registered such mobile terminals and mobile phones with IMDA shall stop all sale of such deregistered mobile terminals and mobile phones for local use by this date.
  • Only dealers/equipment suppliers who are granted Dealer (Individual) Licences by IMDA may import or offer for sale unregistered 3G-only mobile terminals and non-VoLTE capable mobile phones for export purposes and/or use overseas only. In such cases, IMDA’s licence conditions in relation to the sale of non-registered telecommunication equipment will apply.

Dealers/equipment suppliers are required to do the following with effect from 26 July 2023:

  • When selling 3G-only mobile terminals and non-VoLTE capable mobile/smart phones to customers, dealers/equipment suppliers are to advise customers that 3G services will cease with effect by end July 2024. This will help ensure that these customers are fully aware and that they make an informed choice when purchasing such terminals/mobile phones, especially if they intend to use such terminals/mobile phones in Singapore.
  • If customers wish to purchase unregistered 3G-only mobile terminals and non-VoLTE capable mobile/smart phones for overseas use after 1 February 2024, dealers/equipment suppliers (who have a Dealer’s Individual Licence) may sell the mobile terminals to them, but only on the understanding that the mobile terminals are strictly for export purposes and/or for overseas use only.

The above measures will minimise the number of end users in Singapore who are still using 3G mobile terminals when 3G networks are gradually phased out by end July 2024, and to avoid inconvenience to end users.

For customers purchasing 4G or 5G mobile/smart phones, dealers/equipment suppliers are also advised to ensure that Voice over LTE (VoLTE) is enabled, or assist the customer to enable VoLTE on the new mobile/smart phones and encourage them to make a test call to ensure that voice calls can be made through VoLTE. With the cessation of 3G networks, voice call services such as those to emergency services can only be made via VoLTE. If queried on the need to enable VoLTE, dealers/equipment suppliers should explain that the VoLTE settings are needed to make/receive voice calls, given the cessation of 3G networks.


2) Security Requirements to Guard against Network Storms for Cellular Devices

IMDA has published the finalised Technical Specification for Security Requirements to Guard against Network Storms for Cellular Devices(“IMDA TS CD-SEC (278.75KB)”) on 1 July 2022. The TS CD-SEC defines the minimum technical security requirements for the design and management of cellular devices to better safeguard communication networks from security threats in the area of connection efficiency.

The requirements under TS CD-SEC is applicable to a cellular device which supports Section 7 on Connection Efficiency Requirements of the GSMA TS.34 guidelines, and are also subject to compliance either with IMDA TS IOT or IMDA TS CMT.

Applicable cellular devices are required to comply with the above IMDA technical standards and register the equipment with IMDA. The online equipment registration commenced on 19 September 2022.

The timeline for compliance with TS CD-SEC is as follows:

IMDA's timeline for compliance with TS CD-SEC regulations


3) Extension of Deadline for Sale of Residential Gateways (“RGs”) / Home Routers to comply with Standards

IMDA has received requests from industry and RG vendors for extension of the  timeline for compliance, for both new and existing RG/home router models. IMDA has decided to extend the timeline for compliance with the Technical Specification for Security Requirements for Residential Gateways (“IMDA TS RG-SEC (222.36KB)”) for existing RG/home router models to 1 May 2022.

For avoidance of doubt, from 2 May 2022, RG/home router models which do not comply with the Technical Specification, or not yet registered with IMDA, shall no longer be sold for local use. Such unregistered models may be imported for re-export purposes only, by dealers with a Dealer ’s Individual Licence.

In view of the above, the implementation timeline for the regulation of Residential Gateways is revised below.


4) Equipment Registration for Residential Gateway (“RG”) for Compliance with Security Requirements

IMDA has published the finalized Technical Specification for Security Requirements for Residential Gateways (“IMDA TS RG-SEC (222.36KB)”) on 12 October 2020. The IMDA TS RG-SEC specifies the minimum security requirements and stronger credential settings for RGs, commonly known as home routers, sold and used in Singapore, in order to provide a safer and more secure Internet experience for users, and to strengthen the resilience of Singapore’s telecommunications networks.

The RG devices are required to comply with the above IMDA Standards and equipment registration with IMDA. The online equipment registration for Residential Gateways will be commencing on 2 November 2020.

The implementation timeline for the regulation of Residential Gateways is as follows:

The implementation timeline for the regulation of Residential Gateway for Compliance with Security Requirements per IMDA regulations


5) Cessation of Registration for Approval for Sale of Short Range Devices Operating in the 698 - 806 MHz Frequency Band

IMDA will be revising the service allocation for radio frequency band 698 - 806 MHz (the "Affected Band") and will stop accepting any equipment registrations (both new and renewal) for equipment operating in the Affected Band.  With effect from 14 September 2018, equipment registration will only be accepted for equipment operating in the radio frequency band 470 - 698 MHz. In addition, all sales of equipment operating in the Affected Band for use in Singapore are to cease with effect from 1 January 2019.