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Public Consultation on NetLink Trust’s Interconnection Offer

Issued Date: 17/05/2022

Decision Date: 31/01/2023

10 July 2024

IMDA had indicated in the decision published on 31 January 2023 that IMDA will issue the decision on ICO Schedules 22 (Central Office Diversity Connection) and 23 (Point-to-Point Connection) when the review of these schedules is complete. IMDA has completed the review and has decided that NetLink Trust will continue to offer Central Office Diversity Connections and Point-to-Point Connections through customised agreements.

8 December 2023

Netlink Trust submitted a clean copy of its Approved ICO incorporating IMDA’s 27 November 2023 Directed Amendments.

NetLink Trust’s Approved ICO
Main Body (439.50KB)
Schedule 1 Residential End-User Connection (496.29KB)
Schedule 2 Non-Residential End-User Connection (492.47KB)
Schedule 3 NBAP Connection (365.22KB)
Schedule 4 CO to CO Connection (287.52KB)
Schedule 5 CO to Building MDF Room Connection (302.98KB)
Schedule 6 Building MDF Room to FTTB Node Connection (300.12KB)
Schedule 7 FTTB Node to DP Connection (297.15KB)
Schedule 8 Building MDF Room to Residential Premise Connection (310.76KB)
Schedule 9 Building MDF Room to Non-Residential Premise Connection (336.95KB)
Schedule 10 CO to NBAP DP Connection (312.25KB)
Schedule 11 NBAP DP to NBAP TP Connection (311.10KB)
Schedule 12 Co-location Service (514.29KB)
Schedule 12A RL to RL Interconnection Service (175.10KB)
Schedule 12B Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service (218.92KB)
Schedule 12C Co-Location Space & Service in new Co-Location Room (551.12KB)
Schedule 13 Patching Service (144.43KB)
Schedule 14 OSS/BSS Connection & Professional Service (522.40KB)
Schedule 15 Charges (743.32KB)
Schedule 16 Billing (106.21KB)
Schedule 17 Dispute Resolution (90.73KB)
Schedule 18 Dictionary (268.24KB)
Schedule 19 Licensing of Building Lead-In Duct Space and Access to Building Lead-In Manholes (501.11KB)
Schedule 20 Licensing of Access to Mandated Licensee Interconnection Services (545.53KB)
Schedule 21 Licensing of CSD or Duct Space and/or Access to Associated Telecom Manholes (499.37KB)

27 November 2023

On 27 November 2023, IMDA further directed NetLink Trust to incorporate specific drafting language (“Directed Amendments”) in its proposed modifications to its ICO.

IMDA has also completed the review of the prices for NetLink Trust’s ICO services and has updated the revised prices in Appendix 2 on ICO Schedule 15 with the Directed Amendments.

The revised ICO, incorporating the Direct Amendments, has been approved and will take effect from 1 April 2024 (“Approved ICO”). NetLink Trust will be required to adhere to the implementation timelines as set out in the Further Direction to implement the Approved ICO.

NetLink Trust’s ICO with Directed Amendments
Further Direction (302.40KB)
Appendix 1: Directed Amendments to Main Body (378.51KB)
Appendix 2: Directed Amendments to Schedule 15 (489.87KB)
Appendix 3: Directed Amendments to Schedule 21 (445.97KB)

11 May 2023

Pursuant to IMDA’s Direction dated 11 April 2023, NetLink Trust has submitted to IMDA its further proposed modifications to the Draft Revised ICO on 11 May 2023. IMDA is currently reviewing NetLink Trust’s further proposed modifications to the Draft Revised ICO.

NetLink Trust’s Further Proposed Modifications – 11 May 2023
Main Body (455.66KB)
Schedule 1 Residential End-User Connection (525.11KB)
Schedule 2 Non-Residential End-User Connection (506.37KB)
Schedule 3 NBAP Connection (468.06KB)
Schedule 4 CO to CO Connection (396.74KB)
Schedule 5 CO to Building MDF Room Connection (405.50KB)
Schedule 6 Building MDF Room to FTTB Node Connection (402.03KB)
Schedule 7 FTTB Node to DP Connection (329.41KB)
Schedule 8 Building MDF Room to Residential Premise Connection (316.77KB)
Schedule 9 Building MDF Room to Non-Residential Premise Connection (401.09KB)
Schedule 10 CO to NBAP DP Connection (314.75KB)
Schedule 11 NBAP DP to NBAP TP Connection (313.89KB)
Schedule 12 Co-location Service (632.96KB)
Schedule 12C Co-Location Space & Service in new Co-Location Room (678.02KB)
Schedule 15 Charges (859.73KB)
Schedule 18 Dictionary (287.26KB)
Schedule 19 Licensing of Building Lead-In Duct Space and Access to Building Lead-In Manholes (538.44KB)
Schedule 21 Licensing of CSD or Duct Space and/or Access to Associated Telecom Manholes (544.07KB)

11 April 2023

IMDA has reviewed the reconsideration request from NetLink Trust and issued its decision on the reconsideration request to NetLink Trust. IMDA’s decision had remained unchanged except for its decision regarding installation of new ducts and sub-ducts in clause 9.3 of ICO Schedule 21.

IMDA has also issued the Direction to direct NetLink Trust to modify particular provisions of its Draft Revised ICO.

IMDA’s Direction – 11 April 2023
Reconsideration Decision for Installation of new ducts and sub-ducts (200.62KB)
Direction (368.51KB)
Appendix 1: Required Modifications to the Main Body (746.02KB)
Appendix 2: Required Modifications to Schedule 1 (1,022.29KB)
Appendix 3: Required Modifications to Schedule 2 (1.13MB)
Appendix 4: Required Modifications to Schedule 3 (1.16MB)
Appendix 5: Required Modifications to Schedule 4 (1.07MB)
Appendix 6: Required Modifications to Schedule 5 (1.08MB)
Appendix 7: Required Modifications to Schedule 6 (1.08MB)
Appendix 8: Required Modifications to Schedule 7 (684.04KB)
Appendix 9: Required Modifications to Schedule 8 (701.09KB)
Appendix 10: Required Modifications to Schedule 9 (1.10MB)
Appendix 11: Required Modifications to Schedule 10 (702.52KB)
Appendix 12: Required Modifications to Schedule 11 (702.71KB)
Appendix 13: Required Modifications to Schedule 12 (875.00KB)
Appendix 14: Required Modifications to Schedule 12B (631.41KB)
Appendix 15: Required Modifications to Schedule 12C (896.53KB)
Appendix 16: Required Modifications to Schedule 15 (887.46KB)
Appendix 17: Required Modifications to Schedule 16 (430.19KB)
Appendix 18: Required Modifications to Schedule 18 (160.90KB)
Appendix 19: Required Modifications to Schedule 19 (1.17MB)
Appendix 20: Required Modifications to Schedule 21 (526.54KB)

22 February 2023

Further to IMDA’s Decision and Notification of Direction, NetLink Trust had submitted a request on 14 February 2023 to reconsider certain aspects of ICO Schedule 21 of IMDA’s Decision dated 31 January 2023 relating to the cost recovery, installation and sub-licensing of ducts.

IMDA is currently reviewing the reconsideration request from NetLink Trust.

31 January 2023

IMDA has issued its decision on the Public Consultation on NetLink Trust’s Interconnection Offer. IMDA has also issued a Notification of Direction to direct NetLink Trust to modify particular provisions of its Draft Revised ICO.

IMDA's decision
IMDA's Decision (332.80KB)
IMDA's notification of direction – 31 January 2023
Notification of Direction (347.86KB)
Appendix 1: Required Modifications to the Main Body (746.02KB)
Appendix 2: Required Modifications to Schedule 1 (1,022.29KB)
Appendix 3: Required Modifications to Schedule 2 (1.13MB)
Appendix 4: Required Modifications to Schedule 3 (1.16MB)
Appendix 5: Required Modifications to Schedule 4 (1.07MB)
Appendix 6: Required Modifications to Schedule 5 (1.08MB)
Appendix 7: Required Modifications to Schedule 6 (1.08MB)
Appendix 8: Required Modifications to Schedule 7 (684.04KB)
Appendix 9: Required Modifications to Schedule 8 (701.09KB)
Appendix 10: Required Modifications to Schedule 9 (1.10MB)
Appendix 11: Required Modifications to Schedule 10 (702.52KB)
Appendix 12: Required Modifications to Schedule 11 (702.71KB)
Appendix 13: Required Modifications to Schedule 12 (875.00KB)
Appendix 14: Required Modifications to Schedule 12B (631.41KB)
Appendix 15: Required Modifications to Schedule 12C (896.53KB)
Appendix 16: Required Modifications to Schedule 15 (887.46KB)
Appendix 17: Required Modifications to Schedule 16 (430.19KB)
Appendix 18: Required Modifications to Schedule 18 (160.90KB)
Appendix 19: Required Modifications to Schedule 19 (1.17MB)
Appendix 20: Required Modifications to Schedule 21 (962.53KB)

14 July 2022

At the close of the Public Consultation on NetLink Trust’s Interconnection Offer, IMDA received the following submissions from the industry.

15 June 2022

In view of requests from the industry for more time to submit their views and comments, IMDA has extended the submission deadline for this consultation to 12 noon, 14 July 2022.

17 May 2022

IMDA would like to seek views and comments on NetLink Trust's proposed changes to its Interconnection Offer (ICO).

IMDA consultation paper
Public Consultation on NetLink Trust’s Interconnection Offer (207.37KB)
NetLink Trust’s draft revised ICO
Main Body (219.23KB)
Schedule 1 Residential End-User Connection (351.39KB)
Schedule 2 Non-Residential End-User Connection (352.33KB)
Schedule 3 NBAP Connection (328.35KB)
Schedule 4 CO to CO Connection (283.90KB)
Schedule 5 CO to Building MDF Room Connection (293.31KB)
Schedule 6 Building MDF Room to FTTB Node Connection (292.83KB)
Schedule 7 FTTB Node to DP Connection (690.52KB)
Schedule 8 Building MDF Room to Residential Premise Connection (705.76KB)
Schedule 9 Building MDF Room to Non-Residential Premise Connection (1.11MB)
Schedule 10 CO to NBAP DP Connection (711.00KB)
Schedule 11 NBAP DP to NBAP TP Connection (710.81KB)
Schedule 12 Co-location Service (890.12KB)
Schedule 12B Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service (631.56KB)
Schedule 12C Co-Location Space & Service in new Co-Location Room (910.66KB)
Schedule 15 Charges (945.21KB)
Schedule 16 Billing (430.76KB)
Schedule 18 Dictionary (742.49KB)
Schedule 21 Licensing of CSD or Duct Space and/or Access to Associated Telecom Manholes (772.61KB)
Schedule 22 Central Office Diversity Connection (1.10MB)
Schedule 23 Point-to-Point Connection (1.08MB)

All submissions should reach IMDA by 12 noon, 16 June 2022. All views and comments should be submitted in soft copy (in both Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word format). Respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as their correspondence address, contact number and email addresses.

Submissions should be addressed to:

Aileen Chia (Ms)
Deputy Chief Executive (Connectivity Development & Regulation)
Director-General (Telecoms & Post)
Infocomm Media Development Authority
10 Pasir Panjang Road
#03-01 Mapletree Business City
Singapore 117438

Please submit soft copies, with the subject header “Public Consultation on NetLink Trust’s Interconnection Offer”, via email to: