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Public Consultation on OpenNet Interconnection Offer - Proposed Co-location Supplementary Cooling Service

Issued Date: 24/06/2011

Decision Date: 07/05/2012

7 May 2012 - IDA's Directed Amendments to OpenNet's Proposed Co-location Supplementary Cooling Service

22 October 2012

OpenNet's Submission of Clean Copy of Schedules 15 and 18 of the Approved ICO

On 18 October 2012, OpenNet submitted a clean copy of Schedules 15 and 18 of its Approved ICO incorporating IDA's 15 October 2012 Directed Amendments.

OpenNet's Approved Schedules 15 and 18 of the ICO - 18 October 2012
Schedule 15 - Charges (244.72KB)
Schedule 18 - Dictionary (118.36KB)

15 October 2012

IDA's Directed Amendments to OpenNet's Proposed Modifications to its ICO

IDA has completed its review of OpenNet's proposed modifications to its ICO. While IDA found the majority of the proposed modifications to be in conformity with the requirements expressed in IDA's 27 September 2012 Direction, IDA also concluded that some failed to give full effect to the required modifications.

On 15 October 2012, IDA directed OpenNet to incorporate specific drafting language ("Directed Amendments") to Schedules 15 (Charges) and 18 (Dictionary) of OpenNet's ICO. For the avoidance of doubt, as specified in IDA's 27 September 2012 Direction, OpenNet's ICO incorporating the Directed Amendments will take effect retrospectively from 7 May 2012.

IDA's Direction - 15 October 2012
Direction (93.58KB)
Appendix 1 - Directed Amendments to Schedule 15
Appendix 2 - Directed Amendments to Schedule 18

12 October 2012

On 10 October 2012, OpenNet submitted its proposed modifications to its ICO for IDA's review.

OpenNet's Proposed Modifications - 10 October 2012
Schedule 15 - Charges

27 September 2012

IDA's Directed Modifications to OpenNet's Co-location Supplementary Cooling Service

IDA had stated in its direction dated 7 May 2012 that the charges in relation to OpenNet's proposed Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service under its ICO were provisionally approved until such time that IDA had completed its review and audit. Thereafter, OpenNet would be required to modify the charges to incorporate the approved charges and apply them retrospectively from the date of IDA's provisional approval, i.e. 7 May 2012. IDA has since concluded its review.

Accordingly, IDA now directs OpenNet to modify Schedule 15 (Charges) to the ICO to incorporate the IDA-determined charges, and to propose certain changes to its ICO within 10 business days from 27 September 2012.

IDA's Direction - 27 September 2012
Direction (128.47KB)

14 May 2012

OpenNet's Submission of Clean Copy of Schedules 12B, 15 and 18 of ICO

On 9 May 2012, OpenNet submitted a clean copy of Schedules 12B, 15 and 18 of OpenNet's ICO incorporating IDA's 7 May 2012 Directed Amendments. OpenNet has also revised clause 1.4 of Schedule 12B to reflect that OpenNet has yet to launch the OpenNet Platform for Schedule 12B.

OpenNet's Approved Schedules 12B, 15 and 18 of ICO - 9 May 2012
Schedule 12B - Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service (136.53KB)
Schedule 15 - Charges (361.69KB)
Schedule 18 - Dictionary (96.99KB)

7 May 2012

IDA's Directed Amendments to OpenNet's Proposed Co-location Supplementary Cooling Service

On 7 May 2012, IDA directed OpenNet Pte Ltd ("OpenNet") to incorporate specific drafting language ("Directed Amendments") in its proposed modifications to Schedules 12, 12B and 15 of its Interconnection Offer ("ICO") with respect to OpenNet's proposed modifications to its proposed Co-location Supplementary Cooling Service. OpenNet's proposed modifications incorporating the Directed Amendments have been approved by IDA and has taken effect from 7 May 2012.

IDA's Directed Amendments to OpenNet's Proposed Co-location Supplementary Cooling Service
Direction (110.65KB)
Appendix 1 - Directed Amendments to Schedule 12 (305.10KB)
Appendix 2 - Directed Amendments to Schedule 12B (271.95KB)
Appendix 3 - Directed Amendments to Schedule 15 (222.62KB)

13 April 2012

OpenNet submitted its proposed modifications to its ICO Schedule 12 (Co-Location Service), proposed Schedule 12B (Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service) and Schedule 15 (Charges) for IDA's review on 5 April 2012.

OpenNet's Proposed Modifications
Schedule 12 - Co-Location Service (300.76KB)
Schedule 12B - Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service (318.09KB)
Schedule 15 - Charges* (220.54KB)
Schedule 18 - Dictionary (82.13KB)

* OpenNet's charges for the proposed Co-Location Supplementary Cooing Service under its ICO are being reviewed by IDA.

IDA's Decision on OpenNet's Reconsideration Request

OpenNet requested IDA to reconsider the requirement in the direction dated 27 October 2011 for OpenNet to complete the Project Study in respect of a request for the Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service under its ICO within ten business days of the date of the request and instead allow OpenNet to complete the Project Study within fifteen business days. In consideration of OpenNet's clarification that the Project Study, amongst other things, involve additional preliminary on-site survey(s) which may be required before the actual OpenNet site survey, IDA agreed to allow OpenNet an additional five business days to complete the Project Study.

IDA further agreed to OpenNet's request to remove the requirement in the direction dated 27 October 2011 on OpenNet to provide reciprocal rights to the Requesting Licensees to terminate the Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service in the event where (i) the Central Office had become unfit for its purpose, or (ii) OpenNet's right to own, maintain or operate the Central Office was revoked or terminated or expired given that they apply only to the Co-Location Service and not to the Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service and it is not necessary to also re-address these two scenarios in the Co-Location Supplementary Service, provided that the service in the proposed Schedule 12B (Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service) would be terminated automatically in conjunction with the same in Schedule 12 (Co-Location Service) for the said two scenarios.

IDA issued the decision on the reconsideration request on 9 December 2011.

Request by OpenNet for Reconsideration of Certain Aspects of IDA's Direction dated 27 October 2011

On 10 November 2011, OpenNet submitted a request for IDA to reconsider certain aspects of IDA's direction dated 27 October 2011 which had required OpenNet to modify particular provisions of its ICO Schedule 12 (Co-Location Service), proposed Schedule 12B (Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service) and Schedule 15 (Charges).

28 October 2011

Following the industry consultation on OpenNet's proposed Schedule 12B (Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service), IDA has directed OpenNet to modify its proposal. OpenNet will have to submit to IDA a revised proposed ICO that incorporates IDA's directed modifications by 10 November 2011.

IDA's Direction - 27 October 2011
Direction (128.77KB)
Explanatory Memo (41.86KB)
Appendix 1 - Required Modifications to Schedule 12B (214.33KB)
Appendix 2 - Required Modifications to Schedule 12 (291.55KB)
Appendix 3 - Required Modifications to Schedule 15 (213.59KB)

24 June 2011

OpenNet Pte Ltd ("OpenNet"), the Network Company selected to build, operate and maintain the passive infrastructure of the Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network ("Next Gen NBN"), has proposed a set of terms and conditions to offer supplementary cooling service at its Central Offices (i.e., Schedule 12 B (Co-location Supplementary Cooling Service)) to meet the higher cooling requirements of Next Gen NBN equipment deployed by some of its Requesting Licensees.

IDA hereby invites interested parties to submit written comments regarding OpenNet's proposed Schedule 12 B.

IDA Consultation Paper
Consultation Document on Proposed Co-location Supplementary Cooling Service (31.39KB)

Proposed ICO Schedules
Schedule 12 B (Co-location Supplementary Cooling Service) (117.62KB)

All views and comments should be submitted in writing, and in both hard and soft copies (preferably in Microsoft Word format), and should reach IDA by 12 noon, 15 July 2011. Respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as the correspondence address in their submissions to this consultation paper. Views and comments should be addressed to:

Aileen Chia (Ms)
Deputy Director General (Telecoms & Post)
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
10 Pasir Panjang Road
#10-01 Mapletree Business City
Singapore 117438
Fax: +65 6211 2116


Please submit soft copies, with the email header "Public Consultation on OpenNet ICO - Proposed Schedule 12B (Co-location Supplementary Cooling Service)", to this e-mail:

Responses Received at Closing Date - 15 July 2011
Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd (330.12KB)
Singapore Telecommunications Limited (183.23KB)
StarHub Ltd (440.34KB)