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Public Consultation by MICA on Proposed Personal Data Protection Bill for Singapore

Issued Date: 19/03/2012

Decision Date: 15/10/2012

30 April 2012 - Responses at Close of Public Consultation by MICA on Proposed Personal Data Protection Bill for Singapore

2 January 2013

The Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) came into effect on 2 January 2013 and is administered by the Personal Data Protection Commission. For more information, please visit the website at

16 October 2012

The proposed Personal Data Protection Bill was given a Second Reading on 15 October 2012. A transcript of the Second Reading speech and Closing Speech can be found at the Ministry of Information, Communications And The Arts (MICA) website.

19 March 2012

The Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts ("MICA") has issued a consultation paper on the proposed Personal Data Protection Bill for Singapore.

MICA had previously conducted two public consultation exercises held from September to December 2011 to seek feedback on the proposed consumer data protection framework and Do Not Call ("DNC") Registry. Comments and feedback received from the consultations have been reviewed and taken into consideration in drafting the proposed Personal Data Protection Bill.

MICA's responses and clarifications on key feedback received in the previous consultations, as well as detailed proposals for the proposed Personal Data Protection Bill are contained in the consultation paper available at

Interested parties are invited to submit their views on the consultation paper in writing or via email to by 30 April 2012 (5 pm).

Responses Received at Closing Date - 30 April 2012
Please refer to MICA's website at