Decision Date: 21/02/2001
Consultation on "A Proposed Framework to Building Trust and Confidence In E-Commerce"
21 February 2001
Results of Consultation on "A Proposed Framework to Building Trust and Confidence In E-Commerce"
IDA's Main Findings |
Summary of Findings and Follow-up to Industry Consultation (21.69KB) |
IDA's Consultation Paper - Released on 26 Sep 2000
The comment period for public comments concerning strategies on trust and confidence in electronic commerce has closed on 31 Oct 00. IDA would like to thank all who have contributed their most valued comments and IDA will now review these comments in considering the strategies to build trust and confidence in e-commerce in Singapore.
Title |
Consultation paper (46.80KB) |
The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), together in consultation with other government agencies, issues this Consultation Paper to seek views of the industry and interested members of the public on the strategies and initiatives that the Government can put in place to help build trust and confidence to facilitate EC growth. The list of strategies and initiatives identified in the document covers the Government's current thinking, which are still works in progress. In developing this framework, the Government is seeking public comment and feedback in these or additional ideas.
All views and comments should be submitted in writing and in either hard copy or soft copy (as e-mail attachment), and should reach the IDA on or before 31 October 2000. Respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as the correspondence address in their submissions. Hard copies of comments and views should be addressed to:
Ms Serene Ho
Assistant Director (Electronic Commerce Infrastructure)
Online Development
Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore
8 Temasek Bolevard, #14-00, Suntec Tower 3
Singapore 038988
Fax: (65) 211-2231
Please send the soft copies to: