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Provision of Tail Local Leased Circuits as an Interconnection Related Service - Proposed Amendments to Singapore Telecommunications Limited's Reference Interconnection Offer

Issued Date: 14/12/2005

Decision Date: 04/10/2007

23 Jan 2007 - Minister's Decision on SingTel's Appeal Against IDA's 12 April 2006 Decision

25 July 2008

Direction of the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore: Incorporation of Specific Drafting Amendments to SingTel's Proposed RIO Modifications

SingTel submitted one clean copy of its RIO incorporating IDA's 22 July 2008 Directed Amendments.

SingTel's RIO Incorporating IDA's Directed Amendments
Main Body (520.41KB)
Schedule 9 (301.90KB)

22 July 2008

Direction of the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore: Incorporation of Specific Drafting Amendments to SingTel's Proposed RIO Modifications

On 22 July 2008, IDA issued a Direction to SingTel to incorporate in its proposed modifications to its RIO to reflect the recovery of the One-time System Set-up Charge for TLLCs as an IRS, specific drafting language. SingTel's proposed modifications incorporating the directed amendments are hereby approved and will take effect immediately.

IDA's Direction to SingTel: Incorporation of Specific Drafting Amendments to SingTel's Proposed RIO Modifications
IDA's Direction (85.22KB)

7 July 2008

Submission of SingTel's Proposed RIO Modifications

Pursuant to IDA's 2 July 2008 Direction, SingTel has submitted its proposed RIO modifications to provide Tail Local Leased Circuits as an Interconnection Related Service for IDA's review.

SingTel's Proposed Modifications
Schedule 9 (136.34KB)

2 July 2008

Direction of the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore - Modification of Reference Interconnection Offer ("RIO")

For the purposes of giving effect to IDA's Direction on 14 September 2007 on the quantum of the One-Time System Sset-up Charge, as varied by the Minister's Decision dated 26 June 2008 upon SingTel's appeal, IDA has directed SingTel to submit  its proposed modifications to the RIO for IDA's approval. The full text of the IDA's Direction can be found below.

Direction of the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore - Modification of Reference Interconnection Offer ("RIO")
IDA's Direction to SingTel (69.98KB)

1 July 2008

The Minister of Information, Communications and the Arts ("Minister"), has, on 26 June 2008, issued his decision on SingTel's 28 September 2007 Appeal against IDA's 14 September 2007 Direction on the quantum of the One-time System Set-up Charge ("OTSSC") for Tail Local Leased Circuits ("TLLCs") as an Interconnection Related Service ("IRS"). The Minister has permitted SingTel to recover an additional $8,625 over IDA's directed quantum of $17,130.98 for Information System costs related to the configuration of SingTel's automated billing system in the provision of IRS TLLCs. Accordingly, SingTel is permitted to impose an OTSSC of up to $25,755.98 for the provision of IRS TLLCs.

10 October 2007

SingTel has since appealed to the Minister for Information, Communications, and the Arts on IDA's 14 September 2007 Direction on 28 September 2007.

4 October 2007

Direction of the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore: Incorporation of Specific Drafting Amendments to SingTel's Proposed RIO Modifications

SingTel submitted one clean copy of its RIO incorporating IDA's 27 September 2007 Directed Amendments.

SingTel's RIO Incorporating IDA's Directed Amendments
Main Body (525.69KB)
Schedule 9 (407.63KB)

27 September 2007

Direction of the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore: Incorporation of Specific Drafting Amendments to SingTel's Proposed RIO Modifications

On 27 September 2007, IDA issued a Direction to SingTel to incorporate in its proposed modifications to its RIO to reflect the recovery of the One-time System Set-up Charge for TLLCs as an IRS, specific drafting language. SingTel's proposed modifications incorporating the directed amendments are hereby approved and will take effect immediately.

IDA's Direction to SingTel: Incorporation of Specific Drafting Amendments to SingTel's Proposed RIO Modifications
IDA's Direction (83.97KB)

21 September 2007

Submission of SingTel's Proposed RIO Modifications
Pursuant to IDA's 14 September 2007 Direction, SingTel has submitted its proposed RIO modifications to allow for the recovery of the One-time System Set-up Charge for Tail Local Leased Circuits as an Interconnection Related Service for IDA's review.

SingTel's Proposed Modifications
Main Body (464.68KB)
Schedule 9 (151.04KB)

14 September 2007

Direction of the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore - Modification of Reference Interconnection Offer("RIO")
IDA has completed its audit of the one-time system set-up charge for Tail Local Leased Circuits ("TLLCs") as an Interconnection Related Services ("IRS"), as well as its assessment of the proposed cost recovery mechanism for the same. Accordingly, IDA has directed SingTel to submit its proposed modifications to the RIO for IDA's approval. The full text of IDA's Direction can be found below.

IDA's Direction to SingTel: Modification of RIO for the recovery of the IRS TLLC one-time system set-up charge
IDA's Direction (643.34KB)
Explanatory Memorandum (58.17KB)

4 April 2007

IDA has since approved SingTel's Proposed Modifications which came into effect on 28 March 2007.

SingTel's Approved Proposed RIO Modifications
Schedule 4C (233.34KB)
Schedule 9 (283.83KB)

5 March 2007

Submission of SingTel's Proposed RIO Modifications
Pursuant to IDA's 5 February 2007 Direction, SingTel has submitted its proposed RIO modifications to provide Tail Local Leased Circuits as an Interconnection Related Service for IDA's review.

SingTel's Proposed Modifications
Schedule 4C (168.89KB)
Schedule 9 (173.78KB)

5 February 2007

Direction of the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore - Modification of Reference Interconnection Offer ("RIO")
For the purposes of giving effect to IDA's decision dated 12 April 2006 on SingTel's Reconsideration Request of 20 March 2006, as varied by the Minister's decision dated 23 January 2007 upon SingTel's appeal, IDA has directed SingTel to submit  its proposed modifications to the RIO for IDA's approval. The full text of the IDA's Direction can be found below.

IDA's Direction to SingTel: Modification of RIO to provide Tail Local Leased Circuits as an Interconnection Related Service
IDA's Direction to SingTel (107.24KB)

25 January 2007

Minister's Decision on SingTel's Appeal Against IDA's 12 April 2006 Decision
The Minister of Information, Communications and the Arts ("Minister"), has, on 23 January 2007, issued his decision on SingTel's 26 April 2006 Appeal against IDA's 12 April 2006 Decision on SingTel's Reconsideration Request dated 20 March 2006 regarding the reservation of capacity and imposition of a One-time System Set-up Charge in relation to Tail Local Leased Circuits ("TLLCs") under Schedule 4C of SingTel's Reference Interconnection Offer.  The Minister's Decision is as follows:

SingTel is not permitted to reserve capacity in relation to TLLCs as an Interconnection Related Service ("IRS TLLC") except in the circumstances set out in (i) and (ii) below and on condition that SingTel proposes an acceptable mechanism by which IDA may audit SingTel's reservation requirements:

  1. in relation to IRS TLLCs of bandwidth between 64kbps and 2Mbps, where the reservation is to enable SingTel to comply with its reasonable anticipated requirements in the next 12 months for the purpose of using the underlying infrastructure - Local Loop - to provide Direct Exchange Line services to satisfy SingTel's Universal Service Obligation;

  2. where the reservation of IRS TLLC to offer to provide both V.35 and G.703 as the default interface standards for TLLCs of bandwidths from 64kbps to 1984kbps, and permit Facilities-based Operators to choose either V.35 or G.703 as the interface standard at which SingTel is to handover the TLLCs.
SingTel is permitted to recover a One-Time System Set-up Charge to recover the reasonable costs incurred by SingTel to offer IRS TLLCs. The quantum of such reasonable cost shall be determined by IDA after an audit in which SingTel is required to substantiate and justify the costs it claims.  18 May 2006

SingTel submitted one clean copy of Schedule 9 of its RIO pursuant to IDA's 16 May 2006 Direction.

SingTel's Revised Schedule 9 Incorporating the Audited Charges - 18 May 2006
Schedule 9 (193.00KB)

16 May 2006

IDA's Direction to SingTel on Additional One-Time Charges
In IDA's Direction dated 12 April 2006, IDA stated that it would review and audit of the following one-time charges applicable to the provision of TLLCs as an IRS: Deactivation Charges, Internal and External Relocation Charges, Change of Interface Standard Charges and Migration Charges ("Additional One-Time Charges").  IDA has completed the necessary review and audit of the Additional One-Time Charges and hereby approves Schedule 9 of SingTel's RIO incorporating the audited charges.  These charges will take effect retropsectively from 15 April 2006.

IDA's Direction to SingTel
Direction (29.23KB)
Annexure 1 (Schedule 9) (56.05KB)

26 April 2006

SingTel has since appealed to the Minister for Information, Communications, and the Arts on IDA's 8 March 2006 Direction on 26 April 2006. 

18 April 2006

SingTel submitted one clean copy of its revised RIO incorporating IDA's 12 April 2006 Directed Amendments.

SingTel's Revised RIO Incorporating the Directed Amendments - 18 April 2006
Main Body
Schedule 4C
Schedule 8B
Schedule 9 (141.66KB)
Schedule 12 (69.95KB)

12 April 2006

(I)IDA's Direction to SingTel to incorporate specific drafting language and (II) IDA's Decision on SingTel's Reconsideration Request

I) IDA's Direction to SingTel to incorporate specific drafting language
On 12 April 2006, IDA issued a Direction to SingTel to incorporate in its proposed modifications to its RIO to offer TLLCs as an IRS, specific drafting language ("Directed Amendments").  SingTel's proposed modifications incorporating the Directed Amendments are hereby approved and will take effect from 15 April 2006.

IDA's Direction to incorporate specific drafting language dated 12 April 2006
Direction (31.71KB)
Annexure 1 - Main Body (152.79KB)
Annexure 2 - Schedule 4C (238.68KB)
Annexure 3 - Schedule 9 (59.63KB)

II) IDA's Decision on SingTel's Reconsideration Request
IDA has issued its Decision on SingTel's Reconsideration Request of 20 March 2006.  The full text of SingTel's Reconsideration Request of 20 March 2006 and IDA's Decision can be found below.

IDA's Decision on Reconsideration dated 12 April 2006
IDA's Decision (12 April 2006) (27.47KB)
Schedule to IDA's Decision (47.90KB)
SingTel's Reconsideration Request dated 20 March 2006
Cover Letter (129.26KB)
Attachment - Reconsideration Request (758.34KB)
Annexure 1 (232.28KB)
Annexure 2 (326.67KB)
Annexure 4 (45.74KB)

29 March 2006

On 29 March 2006, SingTel submitted its modifications to its RIO pursuant to IDA's Direction dated 8 March 2006.

Revised Modifications to SingTel's RIO - 29 March 2006
Main Body (232.28KB)
Schedule 4C (341.47KB)
Schedule 9 (63.48KB)

20 March 2006

On 20 March 2006, SingTel submitted a request for IDA to reconsider certain aspect of IDA's Direction dated 8 March 2006 which had required SingTel to make further amendments to its Proposed RIO Modifications for the offer of TLLCs as an IRS ("8 March 2006 Direction").  In addition, SingTel has requested for a stay to those aspects of the 8 March 2006 Direction which are subject to the reconsideration request while IDA considers SingTel's reconsideration request. On 24 March 2006, IDA rejected SingTel's request for a stay to the 8 March 2006 Direction and required SingTel to submit its amended Proposed RIO Modifications by 29 March 2006.

8 March 2006

IDA's Direction to SingTel: Amendments to Proposed Modifications to SingTel's RIO to offer TLLCs as an IRS
IDA issued a Direction to SingTel on 8 March 2006, requiring SingTel to make further amendments to its Proposed RIO Modifications for the offer of TLLCs as an IRS.  SingTel is required to submit, for IDA's review and approval, its revised Proposed RIO Modifications by 5 pm, 20 March 2006.

IDA's Direction to SingTel
IDA's Direction (29.51KB)
Explanatory Memorandum (36.02KB)
Required Modifications to Main Body (539.01KB)
Required Modifications to Schedule 4C (492.74KB)
Required Modifications to Schedule 8B (285.28KB)
Required Modifications to Schedule 9 (81.27KB)
Required Modifications to Schedule 12 (101.20KB)

14 December 2005

On 28 October 2005, IDA issued a notice in the Government Gazette to amend the applicable requirements specified in the Schedule to the Code of Practice for Competition in the Provision of Telecommunication Services (RIO Requirements) Notification 2005 (G.N. No. 414/2005) to include Singapore Telecommunications Limited's ("SingTel") Tail Local Leased Circuits ("TLLCs") as an Interconnection Related Service ("IRS") that must be offered under its Reference Interconnection Offer ("RIO").

On 14 November 2005, IDA directed SingTel ("Direction") to submit, for IDA's approval, its proposed amendments to its RIO to offer TLLCs as an IRS.  Pursuant to IDA's Direction, SingTel submitted its proposed amendments on 12 December 2005.

IDA hereby invites interested parties to submit comments regarding the proposed amendments.

SingTel's Proposed Amendments to its RIO
Proposed amendments to Main Body (237.40KB)
Proposed Schedule 4C (173.00KB)
Proposed amendments to Schedule 8B (144.23KB)
Proposed amendments to Schedule 9 (38.97KB)
Proposed amendments to Schedule 12

All views and comments should be submitted in writing and in soft copy (preferably in Word format) and should reach IDA by 12 noon, 29 December 2005. Respondents are to include their personal/company particulars as well as the correspondence address in their submissions to this Consultation. Views and comments should be addressed to:

Mr. Andrew J. Haire
Assistant Director-General (Telecoms)
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

Please submit your comments to:

IDA reserves the right to make all or parts of any written submissions made in response to the above consultation and to disclose the identity of the source. Any part of the submission which is considered commerically confidential should be clearly marked and placed as an annex to the comments raised.  IDA will take this into account when disclosing the information raised.

Responses Received at Closing Date - 29 December 2005
Asia Pacific Carriers Coalition (APCC) (218.76KB)
MCI (104.71KB)
StarHub Limited (36.69KB)