Decision Date: 15/06/2007
15 Jun 2007 - Spam Control Act came into effect
12 September 2005 - Proposed Spam Control Bill
25 May 2004 - Proposed Legislative Framework for the Control of E-mail Spam
8 June 2007
The Ministry of Information, Communications And The Arts (MICA): The Spam Control Act Comes Into Effect
12 September 2005
2nd Joint IDA-AGC Consultation Paper |
Proposed Spam Control Bill (465.82KB) |
All views and comments should be submitted in writing and in both hard and soft copy (in Microsoft Word format), and should reach the IDA on or before 12 noon on 14 October 2005. Respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as the correspondence address in their submissions to the Exemption Request and views should be addressed to:
Mr Andrew Haire
Assistant Director-General (Telecoms)
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
8 Temasek Boulevard
#14-00 Suntec Tower Three
Singapore 038988
Fax: (65) 6211 2116
Please submit your soft copies to e-mail:
Responses Received At Closing Date |
1. Pte Ltd (9.60KB) |
2. ATis (93.68KB) |
3. Bryan Tan / Siew Kum Hong (55.90KB) |
4. BSA (54.99KB) |
5. CASE (87.54KB) |
6. Cecil Chua (13.32KB) |
7. Choo Shien Yin (7.45KB) |
8. CompTIA Hong Kong Ltd (240.33KB) |
9. DMAS (30.70KB) |
10. eBay Singapore (88.62KB) |
11. Hewlett Packard (95.92KB) |
12. Irene Zeiler (9.00KB) |
13. Ivan Png KL Hui (12.64KB) |
14. JH Leong (21.23KB) |
15. Kirvy Teo (67.99KB) |
16. Law Society (18.88KB) |
17. M1 (18.84KB) |
18. Microsoft (57.11KB) |
19. Pacific Internet (7.68KB) |
20. RACH (100.42KB) |
21. S Jacob CL Koh (194.33KB) |
22. S L Tan (47.98KB) |
23. Simon Fenton Jones (7.04KB) |
24. SingTel Group (247.17KB) |
25. SMa (89.94KB) |
26. StarHub Group (15.17KB) |
27. Symantec (62.57KB) |
28. Tan Joo Khim (22.28KB) |
29. Terence Tan (67.00KB) |
30. Yap Keng Ann (27.05KB) |
25 May 2004
Joint IDA-AGC Consultation Paper |
Proposed Legislative Framework for the Control of E-mail Spam (730.16KB) |
All views and comments should be submitted to the Policy and Competition Development Group of the IDA on or before 12 noon, 26 July 2004. Respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as the correspondence address in their submissions to the above Consultation Paper. Comments and views should be addressed to:
Policy and Competition Development Group, marked "Re: Anti-spam law public consultation"
- via e-mail, at;
- via fax, at 6211 2207; or
- by post (a diskette containing a soft copy would be appreciated) to
Policy and Competition Development Group
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
8 Temasek Boulevard
#14-00 Suntec Tower Three
Singapore 038988