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Review of Interconnection Offer for the Provision of Services on the Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network

Issued Date: 08/11/2011

Decision Date: 03/07/2012

IDA has completed the review of OpenNet Pte Ltd and StarHub Ltd reconsideration requests and has issued the decision on the reconsideration request on 5 October 2012.

5 October 2012

IDA has completed the review of OpenNet Pte Ltd and StarHub Ltd reconsideration requests and has issued the decision on the reconsideration request on 5 October 2012.

IDA's Reconsideration Decision - 5 October 2012
OpenNet Pte Ltd (192.87KB)
StarHub Ltd (373.25KB)

23 July 2012

Further to IDA's Directed Amendments to OpenNet's Proposed Modifications to the Draft Revised ICO, OpenNet Pte Ltd and StarHub Ltd had each submitted a request to IDA, on 17 July 2012, to reconsider certain aspects of IDA's Further Direction dated 3 July 2012. The items for reconsideration are as follows:

OpenNet Pte Ltd:

  1. Timeline for implementation of the Approved Interconnection Offer (for items under paragraph 11(b) of the Further Direction); and
  2. Imposition of changes for inter-operator testing; and

StarHub Ltd:

  1. Quota Adjustment Mechanism;
  2. Seasonal Slots;
  3. Charges For Non-Residential End-User Connection;
  4. Non-Building Address Point ("NBAPs"); and
  5. Definition - Residential, Non-Residential and NBAP connection

IDA is currently reviewing the reconsideration request from OpenNet Pte Ltd and StarHub Pte Ltd.

11 July 2012

OpenNet's Submission of Clean Copy of Approved ICO

OpenNet submitted a clean copy of its approved ICO incorporating IDA's 3 July 2012 Directed Amendments.

OpenNet's Approved ICO Incorporating Directed Amendments
Main Body (164.93KB)
Schedule 1 - Residential End-User Connection (267.32KB)
Schedule 2 - Non-Residential End-User Connection (297.43KB)
Schedule 3 - NBAP Connection (240.09KB)
Schedule 4 - CO to CO Connection (213.01KB)
Schedule 5 - CO to Building MDF Connection (216.35KB)
Schedule 6 - Building MDF Room to FTTB Node Connection (208.99KB)
Schedule 7 - FTTB Node to DP Connection (167.35KB)
Schedule 8 - Building MDF Room to Residential Premise Connection (179.99KB)
Schedule 9 - Building MDF Room to Non-Residential Premise Connection Schedule (214.57KB)
Schedule 10 - CO to NBAP DP Connection (178.03KB)
Schedule 11 - NBAP DP to NBAP TP Connection (176.15KB)
Schedule 12 - Co-Location Service (344.02KB)
Schedule 12A - RL to RL Interconnection Service (67.62KB)
Schedule 12B - Co-Location Supplementary Cooling Service (136.53KB)
Schedule 13 - Patching Service (70.96KB)
Schedule 14 - OSS/BSS Connection & Professional Service (348.85KB)
Schedule 15 - Charges (361.69KB)
Schedule 16 - Billing (49.46KB)
Schedule 17 - Dispute Resolution (34.79KB)
Schedule 18 - Dictionary (96.99KB)

3 July 2012

IDA's Directed Amendments to OpenNet's Proposed Modifications to the Draft Revised ICO

On 3 July 2012, IDA directed OpenNet Pte Ltd ("OpenNet") to incorporate specific drafting language ("Directed Amendments") in its proposed modifications to its Interconnection Offer ("ICO"). OpenNet's proposed modifications incorporating the Directed Amendments ("Approved ICO") have been approved by IDA and will take effect from 10 July 2012. Following the approval, OpenNet shall adhere to the implementation timelines as set out in the Further Direction and Explanatory Memorandum to implement the Approved ICO.

IDA has also completed the review of OpenNet's reconsideration request and has issued the decision on the reconsideration request on 3 July 2012. A summary of the decision on the reconsideration request can be found in the Explanatory Memorandum to the Further Direction.

IDA's Direction - 3 July 2012
Further Direction (181.30KB)
Explanatory Memo (591.73KB)
Appendix 1: Directed Amendments to the Main Body (254.53KB)
Appendix 2: Directed Amendments to Schedule 1 (510.52KB)
Appendix 3: Directed Amendments to Schedule 2 (568.11KB)
Appendix 4: Directed Amendments to Schedule 3 (415.56KB)
Appendix 5: Directed Amendments to Schedule 4 (263.24KB)
Appendix 6: Directed Amendments to Schedule 5 (286.16KB)
Appendix 7: Directed Amendments to Schedule 6 (280.99KB)
Appendix 8: Directed Amendments to Schedule 7 (270.92KB)
Appendix 9: Directed Amendments to Schedule 8 (292.87KB)
Appendix 10: Directed Amendments to Schedule 9 (289.88KB)
Appendix 11: Directed Amendments to Schedule 10 (282.69KB)
Appendix 12: Directed Amendments to Schedule 11 (279.30KB)
Appendix 13: Directed Amendments to Schedule 12 (351.36KB)
Appendix 14: Directed Amendments to Schedule 12A (82.02KB)
Appendix 15: Directed Amendments to Schedule 13 (84.02KB)
Appendix 16: Directed Amendments to Schedule 14 (354.17KB)
Appendix 17: Directed Amendments to Schedule 15 (460.13KB)
Appendix 18: Directed Amendments to Schedule 16 (53.00KB)
Appendix 19: Directed Amendments to Schedule 17 (42.69KB)
Appendix 20: Directed Amendments to Schedule 18 (131.02KB)


8 May 2012

Further to the consultation of OpenNet's Proposed Modifications to the Draft Revised ICO, IDA has received the following responses from the industry.

Responses Received at Closing Date - 7 May 2012
M1 Limited (44.29KB)
Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd (210.89KB)
Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (100.44KB)
StarHub Ltd (300.30KB)

26 April 2012

In view of requests from the industry for more time to submit their views on OpenNet's Proposed Modifications to the Draft Revised ICO, IDA will extend the closing date for submission till 12 noon, 7 May 2012.

18 April 2012

Consultation of OpenNet's Proposed Modifications to the Draft Revised ICO

Pursuant to IDA's direction on 27 February 2012, OpenNet has submitted to IDA its proposed modifications to the Draft Revised ICO, that incorporates the IDA directed modifications, on 28 March 2012 and 11 April 2012.

IDA has received requests from the industry to comment on OpenNet's proposed modifications to the Draft Revised ICO. The industry opined that this would allow the industry to provide feedback on the potential technical, operational and commercial challenges of OpenNet's proposed modifications prior to the finalisation of the ICO. IDA has considered the above requests and agrees that there is merit in the industry requests.

Accordingly, IDA hereby provides interested parties with an opportunity to comment on OpenNet's proposed modifications to the Draft Revised ICO.

All views and comments should reach IDA by 12 noon, 2 May 2012 in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. all views and comments must be strictly confined to OpenNet's proposed modifications to the Draft Revised ICO;
  2. for each submission, respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as their correspondence address; and
  3. all submissions must be in softcopy (preferably in Microsoft Word format) and sent via email to: Submissions should be addressed to:


Aileen Chia (Ms)
Deputy Director-General (Telecoms & Post)
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
10 Pasir Panjang Road
#10-01 Mapletree Business City
Singapore 117438

IDA reserves the right to make public all or parts of any written submissions made in response to this consultation, and to disclose the identity of the respondent. Any part of the submission which the respondent considers is commercially sensitive must be clearly marked and placed as a separate annex to the comments raised. IDA will take this into consideration when disclosing the information submitted.

IDA would also like to inform the industry that OpenNet has submitted a request to IDA, on 12 March 2012, to reconsider certain aspects of IDA's direction dated 27 February 2012. The items for reconsideration are as follows:

  1. Bypassing Requesting Licensees (a.k.a. Operating Companies)/Retail Service Providers;
  2. Maximum Quota;
  3. Service Provisioning Delays;
  4. Self-Provision of Non-Building Address Point First Termination Points by Requesting Licensees; and
  5. Force Majeure


While OpenNet has requested IDA to stay its direction dated 27 February 2012, pending IDA's decision on OpenNet's reconsideration request, IDA has not acceded to the request. IDA is currently reviewing the OpenNet's reconsideration request.

OpenNet Submission
OpenNet 11 April 2012 letter (1.79MB)
Appendix 1: Required Modifications to the Main Body (278.90KB)
Appendix 2: Required Modifications to Schedule 1 (481.08KB)
Appendix 3: Required Modifications to Schedule 2 (494.29KB)
Appendix 4: Required Modifications to Schedule 3 (356.18KB)
Appendix 5: Required Modifications to Schedule 4 (269.06KB)
Appendix 6: Required Modifications to Schedule 5 (299.03KB)
Appendix 7: Required Modifications to Schedule 6 (291.92KB)
Appendix 8: Required Modifications to Schedule 7 (287.54KB)
Appendix 9: Required Modifications to Schedule 8 (308.06KB)
Appendix 10: Required Modifications to Schedule 9 (315.66KB)
Appendix 11: Required Modifications to Schedule 10 (296.25KB)
Appendix 12: Required Modifications to Schedule 11 (293.01KB)
Appendix 13: Required Modifications to Schedule 12 (363.47KB)
Appendix 14: Required Modifications to Schedule 12A (115.80KB)
Appendix 15: Required Modifications to Schedule 13 (80.85KB)
Appendix 16: Required Modifications to Schedule 14 (347.81KB)
Appendix 17: Required Modifications to Schedule 15 (382.60KB)
Appendix 18: Required Modifications to Schedule 16 (52.48KB)
Appendix 19: Required Modifications to Schedule 17 (40.96KB)
Appendix 20: Required Modifications to Schedule 18 (113.43KB)


26 March 2012

OpenNet has requested an extension of the deadline to submit its response to IDA's Directed Modifications to the OpenNet's Draft Revised ICO. IDA has agreed to the extension and OpenNet will have to submit to IDA a revised proposed ICO that incorporates the IDA directed modifications by no later than 11 April 2012.

27 February 2012

Directed Modifications to the OpenNet's Draft Revised ICO

Following the industry consultation on OpenNet Pte.Ltd.'s ("OpenNet") Draft Revised ICO, IDA has directed OpenNet to modify particular provisions of its Draft Revised ICO. OpenNet will have to submit to IDA a revised proposed ICO that incorporates the IDA directed modifications by 28 March 2012.

IDA's Direction - 27 February 2012
Direction (115.25KB)
Explanatory Memo (119.17KB)
Appendix 1: Required Modifications to the Main Body (254.98KB)
Appendix 2: Required Modifications to Schedule 1 (384.88KB)
Appendix 3: Required Modifications to Schedule 2 (391.83KB)
Appendix 4: Required Modifications to Schedule 3 (283.05KB)
Appendix 5: Required Modifications to Schedule 4 (231.66KB)
Appendix 6: Required Modifications to Schedule 5 (246.69KB)
Appendix 7: Required Modifications to Schedule 6 (247.85KB)
Appendix 8: Required Modifications to Schedule 7 (245.06KB)
Appendix 9: Required Modifications to Schedule 8 (258.16KB)
Appendix 10: Required Modifications to Schedule 9 (269.00KB)
Appendix 11: Required Modifications to Schedule 10 (251.74KB)
Appendix 12: Required Modifications to Schedule 11 (246.86KB)
Appendix 13: Required Modifications to Schedule 12 (321.94KB)
Appendix 14: Required Modifications to Schedule 12A (108.25KB)
Appendix 15: Required Modifications to Schedule 13 (66.42KB)
Appendix 16: Required Modifications to Schedule 14 (355.85KB)
Appendix 17: Required Modifications to Schedule 15 (333.21KB)
Appendix 18: Required Modifications to Schedule 16 (49.72KB)
Appendix 19: Required Modifications to Schedule 17 (37.53KB)
Appendix 20: Required Modifications to Schedule 18 (97.38KB)


1 December 2011

In view of requests from the industry for more time to submit their views, IDA will extend the closing date for submission of Review of Interconnection Offer for the Provision of Services on the Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network till 12 noon, 30 December 2011.

8 November 2011

OpenNet Pte Ltd ("OpenNet"), the Network Company ("NetCo") selected to build, operate and maintain the passive infrastructure of the Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network ("Next Gen NBN"), plays a pivotal role in the implementation of the Next Gen NBN and IDA places significant emphasis on achieving a successful and effective implementation of the NetCo layer. IDA considered that it is necessary to conduct a review of OpenNet's Interconnection Offer ("ICO") at this juncture. As part of the ICO review, IDA has required OpenNet to propose certain changes to its ICO ("IDA Initiated Changes") and OpenNet has also proposed certain changes to its ICO ("OpenNet Initiated Changes"). OpenNet has since submitted the proposed changes to its ICO ("Draft Revised ICO").

IDA Consultation Paper
Consultation Document on OpenNet's ICO Review (65.23KB)


Proposed OpenNet's Revised ICO
Main Body (226.06KB)
Schedule 1 Residential End-User Connection (303.95KB)
Schedule 2 Non-Residential End-User Connection (308.56KB)
Schedule 3 NBAP Connection (242.80KB)
Schedule 4 CO to CO Connection (213.39KB)
Schedule 5 CO to MDF Connection (218.61KB)
Schedule 6 Building MDF Room to FTTB Node Connection (219.25KB)
Schedule 7 FTTB Node to DP Connection (223.12KB)
Schedule 8 Building MDF Room to Residential Premises Connection (229.04KB)
Schedule 9 Building MDF Room to Non-Residential Premise Connection (240.60KB)
Schedule 10 CO to NBAP DP Connection (232.85KB)
Schedule 11 NBAP DP to NBAP TP Connection (229.09KB)
Schedule 12 Co-location Service (300.36KB)
Schedule 12A RL to RL Interconnection Service (67.39KB)
Schedule 13 Patching Service (64.53KB)
Schedule 14 OSS/BSS Connection & Professional Service (344.43KB)
Schedule 15 Charges (280.14KB)
Schedule 16 Billing (51.46KB)
Schedule 17 Dispute Resolution (36.67KB)
Schedule 18 Dictionary (85.55KB)


Additional Background Information Provided by OpenNet
Fibre Handover Process (40.01KB)


All views and comments should be submitted in writing in soft copies (preferably in Microsoft Word format) and shall reach IDA by
12 noon, 6 December 2011.

For each set of comments, respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as their correspondence address. Views and comments should be addressed to:

Aileen Chia (Ms)
Deputy Director-General (Telecoms & Post)
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
10 Pasir Panjang Road
#10-01 Mapletree Business City
Singapore 117438

Please submit soft copies via email to:

Responses Received at Closing Date - 30 December 2011
Asia Pacific Carriers' Coalition (128.66KB)
M1 Limited (806.46KB)
Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd (467.85KB)
Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (736.04KB)
StarHub Ltd (783.49KB)
SuperInternet Access Pte Ltd (247.29KB)
Viewqwest Pte Ltd (149.35KB)
Feedback from Consumers (17.10KB)