Decision Date: 01/05/2002
1 May 2002
Proposed Advisory Guidelines on Advertising in Singapore for the Telecommunication Industry |
IDA's Decision (7.12KB) |
Consultation Paper (10.18KB) Annex (11.04KB) |
a) IDA invites licensees, users and other interested parties to submit written comments regarding the proposed Guidelines.
b) IDA requests that commenters use the following format in providing their comments:
- General views and comments on the overall approach of the Guidelines;
- Comments regarding specific provisions of the Guidelines; and
- Suggestions for removal of/additional provisions.
c) All comments should be submitted to IDA in hard copy (1 copy) and diskette (Word 97 format). Comments may also be e-mailed. Comments should be clear and succinct. All written comments should be submitted to IDA by 12 noon on Wednesday, 10 May 2000. Comments received after 12 noon will not be accepted or considered. Respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as correspondence address in their submissions. All comments should be addressed to:
Ms Ng Cher Keng
Director (Policy)
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
8 Temasek Boulevard
#14-00 Suntec Tower Three
Singapore 038955
d) IDA will post all comments on its website.
e) Based on the written comments, IDA will make the appropriate modifications to the proposed Guidelines. IDA anticipates issuing the Guidelines by the second quarter of 2000.