Decision Date: 06/05/2010
14 September 2009 - Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd ("Nucleus Connect") has submitted a clean copy of the approved version of the Model Confidentiality Agreement ("MCA").
19 August 2010
Nucleus Connect to Offer Remaining Parts of the Approved OpCo ICO
Nucleus Connect has requested, and IDA has approved, for Nucleus Connect to commence offering the remaining schedules of its ICO to its Qualifying Person from 31 August 2010.
The Nucleus Connect’s Interconnection Offer can be found here.
6 May 2010
Nucleus Connect to Offer Certain Parts of the Approved OpCo ICO
Nucleus Connect has requested, and IDA has approved, for Nucleus Connect to commence offering the following portions of its ICO to its Qualifying Persons from 6 May 2010:
Master Interconnection Offer Agreement;
Service Schedule - Co-location Service;
Service Schedule - Interoperability Testing (IOT) Service; and
Service Schedule - Patching Service.
The remaining schedules will take effect from a date to be notified by IDA in due course. The Nucleus Connect's Interconnection Offer can be found here.
20 April 2010
Nucleus Connect's Submission of Clean Copy of Approved ICO
On 14 April 2010, Nucleus Connect submitted a request to propose some changes to the approved OpCo ICO (i.e., Nucleus Connect's proposed modifications incorporating the Directed Amendments) for purposes of clarity and consistency. IDA has reviewed the proposed changes and has no objection to the changes. IDA has approved these changes on 19 April 2010 (the “Revision”) and has requested Nucleus Connect to incorporate the Revision into the approved OpCo ICO.
Nucleus Connect has on 20 April 2010 submitted a clean copy of its approved ICO incorporating IDA's 6 April 2010 Directed Amendments and the Revision.
6 April 2010
IDA's Direction to Nucleus Connect to Incorporate Specific Drafting Language
On 6 April 2010, IDA directed Nucleus Connect to incorporate specific drafting language ("Directed Amendments") in its proposed modifications to its Interconnection Offer ("ICO"). Nucleus Connect's proposed modifications incorporating the Directed Amendments are hereby approved and will take effect from a date to be notified by IDA in due course.
20 January 2010
Submission of Nucleus Connect's Proposed ICO Modifications
Pursuant to IDA's 8 December 2009 Direction and the 2-week extension as well as IDA's 30 December 2009 Direction, Nucleus Connect has submitted its proposed ICO modifications, including modifications to the Updated Service Schedule, for IDA's review.
4 January 2010
Extension of the Deadline to Submit the Revised Proposed Interconnection Offer that Incorporates the IDA's Directed Modifications
IDA has directed Nucleus Connect to modify particular provisions of its proposed ICO on 8 December 2009 and to submit to IDA the revised proposed ICO that incorporates the IDA's directed modifications within 30 days from the date of the direction. Nucleus Connect has subsequently requested to delay the submission of its revised proposed ICO. IDA has considered Nucleus Connect's request and has decided to grant Nucleus Connect a 2-week extension (i.e. by 21 January 2010) to submit its proposed ICO.
Directed Modifications to Nucleus Connect's Proposed Interconnection Offer - Updated Service Schedule
Following the further consultation on Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd's ("Nucleus Connect") proposed Interconnection Offer ("ICO") - Updated Service Schedule on 19 November 2009, IDA has directed Nucleus Connect to modify particular provisions of its proposed ICO - Updated Service Schedule on 30 December 2009. Nucleus Connect will have to submit to IDA the revised proposed ICO - Updated Service Schedule that incorporates the IDA's directed modifications by 21 January 2010.
8 December 2009
Directed Modifications to Nucleus Connect's Proposed Interconnection Offer
Following the industry consultation on Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd's ("Nucleus Connect") proposed Interconnection Offer ("ICO") on 18 August 2009, IDA has directed Nucleus Connect to modify particular provisions of its proposed ICO on 8 December 2009. Nucleus Connect will have 30 days from the date of the direction to submit to IDA a revised proposed ICO that incorporates the IDA's directed modifications. For the avoidance of doubt, as IDA is reviewing the Updated Service Schedule following the further consultation on the schedule, IDA will separately direct, if necessary, modifications in relation to the Updated Service Schedule.
4 December 2009
Close of Further Consultation on Proposed Interconnection Offer for the Provision of Services on the Next Generation National Broadband Network - Operating Company
At the close of the further consultation on the Updated Service Schedule of the Proposed Interconnection Offer for the Provision of Services on the Next Generation National Broadband Network - Operating Company, IDA had received submissions from two organisations.
Organisations |
NTT Singapore Pte Ltd |
Singapore Telecommunications Limited |
IDA will now review the Updated Service Schedule taking into consideration the submissions received.
19 November 2009
Further Consultation on Proposed Interconnection Offer for the Provision of Services on the Next Generation National Broadband Network - Operating Company
IDA has reviewed the industry's comments to the OpCo ICO and agrees that there may be merit in subjecting certain portions of the OpCo ICO to further consultation. IDA has therefore requested Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd (“Nucleus Connect”) to resubmit one service schedule of the draft OpCo ICO (“Updated Service Schedule”).
The consultation document and Updated Service Schedule would be provided to OpCo QPs, subject to the signing of an IDA-prescribed non-disclosure agreement. Please submit all requests relating to the consultation document and Updated Service Schedule via email to
All views and comments on the Updated Service Schedule should be submitted in writing and in both hard and soft copies (preferably in Microsoft Word format), and to reach IDA by 5 pm, 3 December 2009.
For each set of comments, respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as their correspondence addresses. Views and comments should be addressed to:
Mr Andrew Haire
Deputy Director-General (Telecoms & Post)
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
8 Temasek Boulevard
#14-00 Suntec Tower Three
Singapore 038988
Please submit soft copies via email to: Hard copies may be submitted via fax to +65 6211 2116.
1 October 2009
Close of Consultation on Proposed Interconnection Offer for the Provision of Services on the Next Generation National Broadband Network- Operating Company
At the close of the consultation on Proposed Interconnection Offer for the Provision of Services on the Next Generation National Broadband Network- Operating Company, IDA had received submissions from eight organisations.
Organisations |
BT Singapore Pte Ltd |
MobileOne Ltd |
NTT Singapore Pte Ltd |
PacNet Internet (S) Ltd |
Singapore Telecommunications Limited |
StarHub Ltd |
SuperInternet Access Pte Ltd |
ZONE Telecom Pte Ltd |
IDA will now review the Proposed Interconnection Offer for the Provision of Services on the Next Generation National Broadband Network- Operating Company taking into consideration the submissions received.
14 September 2009
Nucleus Connect's Model Confidentiality Agreement
Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd ("Nucleus Connect") has submitted a clean copy of the approved version of the Model Confidentiality Agreement ("MCA").
Approved Nucleus Connect's Model Confidentiality Agreement - Issued On 14 September2009 |
Approved MCA (55.72KB) |
11 September 2009
Extension of the deadline for the submission of comments to the Proposed Interconnection Offer for the Provision of Services on the Next Generation National Broadband Network- Operating Company
IDA has received requests from the industry to extend the deadline for the submission of comments to the Proposed Interconnection Offer for the Provision of Services on the Next Generation National Broadband Network- Operating Company. The deadline shall be extended and all responses must now be submitted to IDA by no later than noon, 29 September 2009.
IDA's Approval of Nucleus Connect's Proposed Modifications to its Model Confidentiality Agreement
IDA has issued an approval letter to Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd ("Nucleus Connect") to approve its proposed modifications to its Model Confidentiality Agreement ("MCA").
IDA's Approval of Nucleus Connect's Proposed Modifications to its Model Confidentiality Agreement - Issued On 11 September 2009 |
Approval issued to Nucleus Connect (48.10KB) |
8 September 2009
Submission of Nucleus Connect's Proposed Modifications to the Model Confidentiality Agreement
Pursuant to IDA's notification of 7 September 2009, Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd ("Nucleus Connect") has submitted its proposed modifications to its Model Confidentiality Agreement ("MCA") for IDA's review and approval.
Proposed Modifications to Nucleus Connect's MCA - Submitted On 8 September 2009 |
Nucleus Connect's Revised Proposed MCA (45.52KB) |
7 September 2009
Modifications to the Proposed Model Confidentiality Agreement
Following the industry consultation on Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd's ("Nucleus Connect") proposed Model Confidentiality Agreement ("MCA"), the IDA has required Nucleus Connect to modify particular provisions of its proposed MCA. Nucleus Connect will have to submit to IDA a revised proposed MCA that incorporates the modifications required by IDA within 7 days from the date of the notification.
Notification to Nucleus Connect and Accompanying Explanatory Memo - Issued on 7 September 2009 |
Notification to Nucleus Connect (20.00KB) |
Explanatory Memorandum (23.18KB) |
18 August 2009
The Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore ("IDA") requested for proposals for an Operating Company ("OpCo") to develop the active infrastructure of Singapore's Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network ("Next Gen NBN") on 7 April 2008. The Next Gen NBN shall act as a strategic enabler for Singapore to exploit new economic opportunities in this digital age, through much faster broadband access and higher broadband take-up by households and businesses, leading to greater productivity gains. From this competitive process, StarHub Ltd ("StarHub") was subsequently selected based on its OpCo bid proposal. Under its proposal, StarHub would establish the Next Gen NBN OpCo, called Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd ("Nucleus Connect"), to design, build and operate the active infrastructure.
Pursuant to the requirements under the Next Gen NBN OpCo Request for Proposal (the "RFP"), Nucleus Connect has submitted to IDA for approval, its proposed Model Confidentiality Agreement ("MCA"), non disclosure agreement governing the disclosure of information, as well as the proposed Interconnection Offer ("ICO") for the provision of services to OpCo Qualifying Persons ("OpCo QPs") (i.e., Facilities-Based Operators, Services-Based Operators and Broadcasting licensees exclude class licensees) on the Next Gen NBN. Before IDA grants approval to the proposed MCA and proposed ICO, IDA would like to seek views on the said documents.
Proposed MCA |
Consultation Document for MCA (25.61KB) |
Proposed MCA (55.96KB) |
Responses on Proposed MCA Received at Closing Date - 28 August 2009 |
MobileOne Ltd (120.49KB) |
Pacnet (869.00KB) |
Proposed ICO |
The consultation document and proposed ICO would be provided to OpCo QPs, subject to the signing of an IDA-prescribed non-disclosure agreement. Please submit all requests relating to the consultation document and proposed ICO via email to |
All views and comments should be submitted in writing and in both hard and soft copies (preferably in Microsoft Word format). The following timeframes shall be adhered to:
All comments on the proposed MCA to reach IDA by 12 noon, 28 August 2009; and
All comments on the proposed ICO to reach IDA by 12 noon, 15 September 2009.
For each set of comments, respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as their correspondence addresses. Views and comments should be addressed to:
Mr Andrew Haire
Deputy Director-General (Telecoms & Post)
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
8 Temasek Boulevard
#14-00 Suntec Tower Three
Singapore 038988
Please submit your softcopy via e-mail to: The hardcopy may be submitted via fax to: +65 6211 2116.
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