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Review of Singapore Telecommunications Limited's Reference Interconnection Offer 2011

Issued Date: 01/08/2011

Decision Date: 30/01/2012

2 February 2012

SingTel's Submission of Clean Copy of Approved RIO

SingTel submitted a clean copy of its approved RIO incorporating IDA's 30 January 2012 Directed Amendments.

SingTel's Approved RIO Incorporating Directed Amendments - 2 February 2012
Main Body
Schedule 1 - Physical and Virtual (Distant) Interconnection (389.06KB)
Schedule 1 - Annexures (191.21KB)
Schedule 2 & 2A - Orgination, Termination and Transit & Call Origination Service (194.61KB)
Schedule 2B - Call Termination Service (156.22KB)
Schedule 2C - Call Transit Service (56.11KB)
Schedule 3A - Licensing of Local Loop/Sub-Loop (296.58KB)
Schedule 3B - Line Sharing (149.59KB)
Schedule 3C - Sale of Internal Wiring (46.12KB) 
Schedule 3D - Licensing of Building MDF Distribution Frame (72.51KB)
Schedule 3E - Licensing of Outdoor Cabinet Distribution Frame (108.62KB)
Schedule 4A - Emergency Call Service (169.12KB)
Schedule 4B - Submarine Cable Connection Service (124.98KB)
Schedule 4C - IRS Tail Circuit Service (135.79KB)
Schedule 5A - Licensing of Lead-in Duct & Lead-in Manholes (482.00KB)
Schedule 5C - Licensing of Roof Space & Co-location Space at Roof Sites (75.08KB) 
Schedule 5C - Attachments (70.59KB)
Schedule 8 - Co-location (8.55KB)
Schedule 8A - Co-location for Point of Interconnection (POI) or Point of Access (POA) (128.33KB) 
Schedule 8B - Access to Mandated Servives (305.80KB) 
Schedule 8D - Co-location at Submarine Cable Landing Station (144.81KB) 
Schedule 8 - Attachments (110.23KB) 
Schedule 9 - Charges (444.02KB)
Schedule 10 - Billing (24.51KB)
Schedule 11 - Dispute Resolution (21.30KB)
Schedule 12 - Dictionary (76.08KB)

30 January 2012

IDA's Directed Amendments to SingTel's Further Revised RIO

IDA has completed its review of SingTel's Further Proposed Modifications to Schedules 8A, 8D and 9. While IDA found the majority of the proposed modifications to these Schedules to be in conformity with the requirements expressed in IDA's 27 October 2011 Direction, IDA also concluded that some failed to give full effect to the required modifications.

On 30 January 2012, IDA directed SingTel to incorporate specific drafting language ("Directed Amendments") to Schedules 8A, 8D and 9 of SingTel's Further Revised RIO. SingTel's Further Proposed Revised RIO incorporating the Directed Amendments is hereby approved and will take effect from the said date.

IDA's Direction to SingTel: Incorporation of Specific Drafting Language
Direction (728.41KB)
Appendix 14: Directed Amendments to Schedule 8A (553.45KB)
Appendix 15: Directed Amendments to Schedule 8D (428.43KB)
Appendix 16: Approved Modifications to Schedule 9 (520.03KB)

3 January 2012

IDA's Directed Amendments to SingTel's Further Revised RIO

In IDA's review of SingTel's Further Proposed Modifications, IDA found the majority of SingTel's Further Proposed Modifications to be in conformity with IDA's requirements as expressed in IDA's 27 October 2011 Direction, save for: (a) SingTel's Further Proposed Modifications to Schedules 8A, 8D and 9, which are pending the submission of further information/clarification from SingTel; and (b) certain of SingTel's other Further Proposed Modifications, which IDA concluded fail to give full effect to IDA's required modifications.

On 3 January 2012, IDA directed SingTel to incorporate specific drafting language ("Directed Amendments") to its Further Revised RIO. In light of the ongoing review of Schedules 8A, 8D and 9 of SingTel's RIO, IDA will specify the effective date of SingTel's revised RIO at a later time, following the completion of such review and the issuance of IDA's approval and/or directed amendments in respect of these Schedules.

IDA's Direction to SingTel: Incorporation of Specific Drafting Language
Direction (126.56KB)
Appendix 1: Directed Amendments to the Main Body (559.39KB)
Appendix 2: Directed Amendments to Schedule 2C (316.66KB)
Appendix 3: Directed Amendments to Schedule 3A (350.97KB)
Appendix 4: Directed Amendments to Schedule 3B (183.82KB)
Appendix 5: Directed Amendments to Schedule 4C (230.69KB)
Appendix 6: Directed Amendments to Schedule 5A (562.37KB)
Appendix 7: Directed Amendments to Schedule 8 (105.99KB)
Appendix 8: Directed Amendments to Schedule 8 Attachments (132.97KB)
Appendix 9: Directed Amendments to Schedule 8B (124.28KB)
Appendix 10: Directed Amendments to Schedule 12 (324.57KB)
Appendix 11: Approved Modifications to Schedule 4B (150.40KB)
Appendix 12: Approved Modifications to Schedule 5C (380.83KB)
Appendix 13: Approved Modifications to Schedule 10 (40.13KB)

5 December 2011

On 2 December 2011, SingTel submitted its Further Proposed Modifications to its Proposed Revised RIO for IDA's review.

Further Proposed Modifications to SingTel's RIO - 2 December 2011
Main Body (215.64KB)
Schedule 2C - Call Transit Service (132.56KB)
Schedule 4B - Submarine Cable Connection Service (119.58KB)
Schedule 5A - Licensing of Lead-in Duct & Lead-in Manholes (297.42KB)
Schedule 5C Attachments (75.18KB)
Schedule 8A - Co-Location for Point of Interconnection (POI) or Point of Access (POA) (196.09KB)
Schedule 8B - Access to Mandated Services (113.82KB)
Schedule 8D - Co-location at Submarine Cable Landing Station (163.15KB)
Schedule 8 Attachments (171.25KB)
Schedule 9 - Charges (189.56KB)
Schedule 10 - Billing (71.71KB)
Schedule 12 - Dictionary (117.81KB)

22 November 2011

IDA will extend the closing date for submission of Singapore Telecommunications Limited's Reference Interconnection Offer till 2 December 2011

27 October 2011

IDA's Direction to SingTel: Review of SingTel's RIO

IDA's Direction - 27 October 2011
Direction (121.82KB)
Explanatory Memorandum (166.33KB)
Appendix 1: Required modifications to the Main Body (275.85KB)
Appendix 2: Required modifications to Schedule 2C (103.00KB)
Appendix 3: Required modifications to Schedule 4B (145.21KB)
Appendix 4: Required modifications to Schedule 5A (243.59KB)
Appendix 4A: Required modifications to Schedule 5A Annex (54.12KB)
Appendix 5: Required modifications to Schedule 5C Attachments (126.38KB)
Appendix 6: Required modifications to Schedule 8A (128.44KB)
Appendix 7: Required modifications to Schedule 8B (451.74KB)
Appendix 8: Required modifications to Schedule 8D (294.06KB)
Appendix 9: Required modifications to Schedule 8 Attachments (131.49KB)
Appendix 10: Required modifications to Schedule 9 (225.61KB)
Appendix 11: Required modifications to Schedule 10 (38.00KB)
Appendix 12: Required modifications to Schedule 12 (127.67KB)

26 September 2011

IDA's review of SingTel's Proposed Revised Reference Interconnection Offer will be extended till 27 October 2011.

26 August 2011

In view of requests from the industry for more time to submit their views, IDA will extend the closing date for the Second Review of Singapore Telecommunications Limited's Reference Interconnection Offer public consultation till 14 September 2011, 5.00 pm.

1 August 2011

IDA would like to seek views and comments from the industry on SingTel's Proposed Revised Reference Interconnection Offer.

Public Consultation Paper Released on 1 August 2011
Cover Document
Consultation Document (127.42KB)
SingTel's Proposed Revised RIO
Main Body (263.43KB)
Schedule 1 - Physical and Virtual (Distant) Interconnection (342.75KB)
Schedule 1 - Annexures (557.62KB)
Schedule 2 & 2A - Orgination, Termination and Transit & Call Origination Service (169.77KB)
Schedule 2B - Call Termination Service (183.04KB)
Schedule 2C - Call Transit Service (101.62KB)
Schedule 3A - Licensing of Local Loop/Sub-Loop (605.87KB)
Schedule 3B - Line Sharing (344.85KB)
Schedule 3C - Sale of Internal Wiring (153.00KB) 
Schedule 3D - Licensing of Building MDF Distribution Frame (245.79KB)
Schedule 3E - Licensing of Outdoor Cabinet Distribution Frame (318.93KB)
Schedule 4A - Emergency Call Service (150.86KB)
Schedule 4B - Submarine Cable Connection Service (303.13KB)
Schedule 4C - IRS Tail Circuit Service (446.94KB)
Schedule 5A - Licensing of Lead-in Duct & Lead-in Manholes (243.50KB)
Schedule 5A - Annex D (156.15KB)
Schedule 5C - Licensing of Roof Space & Co-location Space at Roof Sites (255.85KB) 
Schedule 5C - Attachments (111.62KB)
Schedule 8 - Co-location (56.73KB)
Schedule 8A - Co-location for Point of Interconnection (POI) (126.08KB) 
Schedule 8B - Co-location for Point of Access (POA) (166.29KB) 
Schedule 8D - Co-location at Submarine Cable Landing Station (108.63KB) 
Schedule 8 - Attachments (121.26KB) 
Schedule 9 - Charges (248.67KB)
Schedule 10 - Billing (85.12KB)
Schedule 11 - Dispute Resolution (86.62KB)
Schedule 12 - Dictionary (105.18KB)

All views and comments should be submitted in writing, both in hard and soft copy (preferably in Microsoft Word), and should reach IDA by 5pm, 31 August 2011. Respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as the correspondence address in their submissions to this Consultation Paper. Views and comments should be addressed to:

Aileen Chia (Ms)
Deputy Director General (Telecoms & Post)
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
10 Pasir Panjang Road
#10-01 Mapletree Business City
Singapore 117438
Fax: (65) 6211 2116


Please submit your soft copies, with the email header "Public Consultation on the Second Review of Singapore Telecommunications Limited's Reference Interconnection Offer", via e-mail to:

Responses Received at Closing Date - 15 September 2011
APCC (668.94KB)
M1 Limited (105.87KB)
OpenNet Pte Ltd (1.25MB)
StarHub Ltd (2.16MB)

20 July 2011

IDA will extend the deadline for the submission of SingTel’s proposed modifications to the RIO to 29 July 2011.

22 June 2011

Having carefully reviewed the industry's comments, IDA now requires SingTel to submit a proposed revised SingTel's RIO within 30 days from
22 June 2011.

IDA's Letter to SingTel dated 22 June 2011
Letter to SingTel (147.63KB)
Explanatory Memorandum (38.16KB)

9 February 2011

In view of requests from several parties for more time to submit their views, IDA will extend the closing date for the RIO Review 2011 public consultation till 14 March 2011, 5.00 pm.

21 January 2011

With significant developments of the telecom landscape in Singapore since the last review of SingTel's RIO in 2005, IDA has identified several key issues that may have significant implications on the relevance and scope of SingTel's RIO going forward. IDA would like to hear the industry's views and comments on these issues before requiring SingTel to submit a proposed revised RIO. For the avoidance of doubt, pursuant to Sub-section 6.3.6 of Telecom Competition Code 2010, IDA will conduct a subsequent public consultation on SingTel's proposed revised RIO.

Public Consultation Paper Released on 21 January 2011
Cover Document
Consultation Paper (99.81KB)

All views and comments should be submitted in writing, both in hard and soft copy (in Microsoft Word or PDF format), and should reach IDA by 5pm, 21 February 2011. Respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as the correspondence address in their submissions to this Consultation Paper. Views and comments should be addressed to:

Aileen Chia (Ms)
Deputy Director General (Telecoms & Post)
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
8 Temasek Boulevard
#14-00 Suntec Tower Three
Singapore 038988
Fax: (65) 6211 2116


Please submit your soft copies, with the email header "Public Consultation on the Second Review of Singapore Telecommunications Limited's Reference Interconnection Offer", to this e-mail:

Responses Received at Closing Date - 14 March 2011
Mr Andrew Ngiam (239.80KB)
Asia Pacific Carriers' Coalition (1.47MB)
M1 Ltd (79.80KB)
Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (485.29KB)
StarHub Ltd (94.63KB)