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Codes of Practice - Media

IMDA diligently manages a range of classification services, safeguarding that media content aligns with the prevailing IMDA regulations and content standards. Delve into the Codes of Practice and Guidelines for Media to gain a deeper understanding of the regulatory framework in Singapore's media landscape.


1. Content Code for Nationwide Managed Transmission Linear Television Services (650.05KB)

This Code applies to scheduled programmes on free-to-air TV and subscription TV.

2. Content Code for Over-the-Top, Video-on-Demand and Niche Services (638.48KB)

This Code applies to content on over-the-top, video-on-demand, and niche services.

3. Television and Radio Advertising and Sponsorship Code (494.22KB)

This Code applies to advertisements and sponsorship of programmes on free-to-air TV and subscription TV.

4. Code of Practice for Television Broadcast Standards  (173.39KB)

The Code outlines the technical performance standards to be observed by nationwide TV licensees. 


5. Content Code for Radio Services (297.97KB)

This Code applies to content on free-to-air radio stations. 

6. Television and Radio Advertising and Sponsorship Code (494.22KB)

This Code applies to advertisements and sponsorship of programmes on free-to-air radio.


7. Film Classification Guidelines (481.79KB)

The Film Classification Guidelines sets out the general principles and content concerns that the IMDA considers in its film classification process, and aims to reflect community standards while ensuring that due consideration is given to the film’s artistic, educational, or literary merit.

8. Guidelines for Publicity Materials (187.48KB)

The guidelines list the standards that print advertisements for films should adhere to.  


9. Video Game Classification Guidelines (382.92KB)

The Video Game Classification Guidelines sets out the general principles and content concerns that the IMDA considers in its classification process, and aims to reflect community standards while ensuring that due consideration is given to a game’s artistic, educational, or literary merit.

10. Guidelines for Publicity Materials (32.79KB)

The guidelines list the standards that print advertisements for video game should adhere to.

Publications and Audio Materials

11. Content Guidelines for Imported Publications (759.33KB)

These guidelines apply to imported publications such as magazines and books.

12. Content Guidelines for Local Lifestyle Magazines (667.32KB)

These guidelines serve as a guide to permit holders who are engaged in publishing and distributing lifestyle magazines in Singapore under the Newspaper and Printing Presses Act (NPPA).

13. Guidelines for Audio Materials (229.30KB)

These guidelines apply to audio materials. 

Arts Entertainment

14. Arts Entertainment Classification Code (84.24KB)

The Arts Entertainment Classification Code aims to reflect community standards while ensuring that due consideration is given to the artistic, educational, or literary merit of the arts performance. The purpose of classification is to protect the young while allowing greater freedom of choice for adults.


15. Internet Code of Practice (49.90KB)

The Internet Code of Practice which falls under the Broadcasting Act (Cap. 28), outlines the content standards for Internet content.

Designated Social Media Services

16a. Code of Practice for Online Safety - Social Media Services (159.00KB)
16b. Guidelines for Code of Practice for Online Safety - Social Media Services (131.89KB)
16c. List of Designated Social Media Services subject to the Code of Practice for Online Safety - Social Media Services (75.06KB)

The Code of Practice for Online Safety – Social Media Services (“SMS Code”) sets out obligations that designated Social Media Services (“SMSs”) have to meet to enhance online safety for Singapore end-users. These include having systems and processes in place to minimise end-users’ exposure to harmful content, empowering end-users with tools to manage their own safety on the service and making available effective mechanisms for end-users to report harmful content. The SMS Code also requires designated SMSs to be accountable to Singapore end-users by providing transparency on their measures and level of safety in annual online safety reports.

The accompanying Guidelines provide illustrative but non-exhaustive examples of harmful / inappropriate content. The Guidelines aim to clarify what types of content may be of concern to Singapore end-users, but do not constrain the designated SMSs in implementing their own community guidelines and standards while meeting their obligations under the SMS Code.

The list of designated SMSs indicates the SMSs that are currently designated by IMDA and required to comply with the SMS Code.

Designated App Distribution Services

17a. Code of Practice for Online Safety – App Distribution Services (188.96KB)
17b. List of Designated App Distribution Services subject to the Code of Practice for Online Safety – App Distribution Services (72.61KB)

The Code of Practice for Online Safety – App Distribution Services (“ADS Code”) sets out obligations that designated App Distribution Services (“ADSs”) have to meet to enhance online safety for Singapore ADS users. These include having systems and processes in place to minimise ADS users’ exposure to harmful content, empowering ADS users with tools to manage their own safety on the service and making available effective mechanisms for ADS users to report harmful content. To ensure enhanced protection for children, the ADS Code will also introduce requirements for designated ADSs to implement age assurance so that children can be protected from downloading apps that are not appropriate for their age. Age assurance measures must be implemented in accordance with the data protection provisions under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) and any relevant guidelines issued by the Personal Data Protection Commission such as the Advisory Guidelines on the PDPA for Children’s Personal Data in the Digital Environment.

The ADS Code also requires designated ADSs to be accountable to Singapore ADS users by providing transparency on their measures and level of safety in annual online safety reports.

The list of designated ADSs indicates the ADSs that are currently designated by IMDA and required to comply with the ADS Code.


18. Audiotext Code of Practice (131.12KB)

The Audiotext Code of Practice which falls under the Class Licence scheme, applies to all providers of audiotext services (voice applications which allow users to enter or retrieve information over the phone), including those which offer chatline services.

Digital Display Panels (DDPs)

20. Content Code for Digital Display Panels (133.22KB) The code applies to content carried on Digital Display Panels (DDPs) that operate on a distribution network.