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Precision Engineering Industry Digital Plan

About the Precision Engineering Industry Digital Plan (IDP)

Aligned to the Precision Engineering Industry Transformation Map (ITM), the Precision Engineering Industry Digital Plan (IDP) is part of the SMEs Go Digital programme that aims to make going digital simple for SMEs. The Precision Engineering IDP provides a step-by-step guide on the digital solutions SMEs in the Precision Engineering industry can adopt at each stage of their growth.

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), in partnership with Enterprise Singapore and the industry, has jointly developed the Precision Engineering IDP as part of Singapore's digitalisation efforts. The IDP will continue to be updated over time as the industry progresses and newer, more relevant technologies are introduced.

Infographic - Go Digital with CTOaaS

Thumbnail from SMEs Go Digital video about the precision engineering industry in Singapore under the Industry Digital Plan

Find out how digital technology benefits the Precision Engineering Industry

Who is it for?

The Precision Engineering IDP is developed to support companies that provide precision machining, elastomeric and polymeric molding, and stamping; industries such as:

  • Semiconductors
  • Automotive
  • Medical Technology
  • Aerospace
  • Electronics


The IDP provides a step-by-step guide on the digital solutions to adopt at each stage of your growth. By leveraging the resources and guidance provided by the IDP, SMEs can go digital and stay competitive in the digital age. For a start, you can use the IDP to find out if your business is digital-ready.

Digital Roadmap

You can refer to the Digital Roadmap of the IDP, as a guide to assess your digital readiness and identify opportunities for going digital and training to raise employees’ digital skills.


Precision Engineering IDP (6.42MB)

Precision Engineering IDP Media Release

Understand Your Digital Readiness

Digital and Business Consultancy

  • Digital Consultants

Use the Chief Technology Officer-as-a-Service to request for digital consultancy and project management services. Check your digital readiness and receive recommendations on digital solutions that best meet your business needs.

  • Business Advisors

Book an appointment with the SME Centre if you require business advice.

Pre-approved Solutions with Grant Support

The Precision Engineering IDP outlines the digital solutions that companies can adopt at each stage of their growth to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and drive business growth.

Eligible SMEs can receive funding support from the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) or other relevant grants on the Business Grants Portal to implement digital solutions in the Precision Engineering IDP.


Send us your feedback on the IDPs, in this form (269.93KB) (best viewed in Microsoft Word) to


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