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The Carrot Cake Conversations is the story of four strangers who find themselves stranded in Singapore, two days before Christmas, and who each find companionship over a plate of carrot cake and a conversation. Kate, a failed American actress, is on her way to New Zealand to set up her coffee shop. Stranded, she meets Daniel, a disheveled businessman who recently caught his wife cheating on him. They also meet Ruth, a prostitute who longs to be Singapore’s first blues singer, and Matthew, a rich mogul who finds himself at the crossroads of his life.  This story seeks to prove the possibility that a perfect stranger can change everything and that sometimes in life, all we have to do is talk.

Produced by


Running time

111 minutes



Key cast

Adrian Pang, Andrea Fonseka, Alaric Tay, Danielle O’Malley

International sales/distribution


Year of release

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