Be aware of scammers impersonating as IMDA officers and report any suspicious calls to the police. Please note that IMDA officers will never call you nor request for your personal information. For scam-related advice, please call the ScamShield Helpline at 1799 or go to

SMS Perfomance Measurement for 1H 2009

Percentage of SMS Messages Delivered in less than 20 seconds

(a) SingTel Mobile ("STM") (originating network)

(b) M1 (originating network)

(c) StarHub Mobile ("SHM") (originating network)

SMS Performance Measurement for 2009 (3)

Percentage of SMS Messages Delivered in 1 hour or more

(a) SingTel Mobile (originating network)

SMS Performance Measurement for 2009 (4)

(b) M1 (originating network)

SMS Performance Measurement for 2009 (5)

(c) StarHub Mobile (originating network)

SMS Performance Measurement for 2009 (6)

Percentage of SMS Messages Not Delivered

(a) SingTel Mobile (originating network)

SMS Performance Measurement for 2009 (7)

(b) M1 (originating network)

SMS Performance Measurement for 2009 (8)

(c) StarHub Mobile (originating network)

SMS Performance Measurement for 2009 (9)

* The total sample size of test is 34,308 SMS messages.