Seizing future opportunities
Communications and connectivity play a key role in building solutions for the future, and helping Singapore stay at the forefront of the digital economy. As the architect of Singapore’s digital future, IMDA’s commitment to lead and drive our 5G plans, bolster local capabilities, and foster partnerships in 5G and future comms technologies continue with unwavering determination.
To facilitate these efforts, IMDA and National Research Foundation Singapore (NRF) are investing close to S$70 million through the launch of Singapore’s first national Future Communications Research and Development Programme (FCP). This initiative helps us jumpstart cutting-edge communications and connectivity research, develop new testbeds, and support Singapore’s local capability to translate into innovative products, services, and companies.

The Future Communications Research and Development Programme (FCP)
The FCP is hosted by the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), and comprises:
- Development of Future Communications Connectivity Lab at SUTD, as well as Future Communications Translation Lab at Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)
- Grant calls for R&D and future communications technologies
- Support for local talent pursuing research in future communications technologies
- International Partnership for future communications technologies
FCP is supported under Singapore’s Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) efforts, where Communications and Connectivity is one of the key technology areas in the Smart Nation and Digital Economy (SNDE) domain. The programme will coordinate multidisciplinary research efforts across the RIE ecosystem, with Research Institutes (RIs), Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs), and other RIE efforts.
As host institution for this four-year programme, SUTD leads collaboration across the Singapore ecosystem – Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS), and SIT.
Unlocking research and industry potential

The FCP encourages collaboration between industry and research ecosystems. Offering access to testbeds, the programme serves to facilitate the development of 5G in Singapore, as well as future communication technologies.
The programme also actively seeks partnerships with R&D counterparts, both domestically and internationally, with the intention of exploring opportunities in joint research, and/or educational projects as well as joint workshops to exchange and strengthen knowledge in the area of future communications and its applications. This helps to promote innovation and progress in the industry.
The Incentive - Grant calls for Future Communications Technologies

FCP's commitment to addressing industry challenges is evident through its issuance of numerous grants for research and translation projects focused on future communications technologies.
The programme aims to encourage use of research to solve global industry challenges and push demand-led research outcomes towards adoption by the industry.
All grant calls have successfully been completed and closed.
The Support - Building a pipeline of Singaporean talent

FCP supports Masters-level scholarships for local students in Singapore to pursue research and translation projects relating to future communications technologies.
This is open to both individuals aiming to deepen their expertise, as well as sponsored employees, to support the strengthening of innovation capacity in companies.
Interested applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Singaporean citizen
- Be a full-time or part-time Masters student enrolled in the Institution’s degree programmes in the area of future communications
- Opt for a postgraduate programme that is future comms-related and offered by the four Autonomous Universities (AUs) namely NTU, NUS, SIT and SUTD
- The applicant must not concurrently hold any other awards such as scholarships, grants, or bursaries
- The applicant will have to meet the same graduation requirements as the Institution’s Masters candidates in accordance with the Institution’s prevailing academic policies and must fulfil the graduation requirements by 30 April 2025.
The Management
The FCP is a national partnership that pulls together Singapore’s communications and connectivity capabilities. Operations of FCP are overseen by a Steering Committee comprising field experts from all Singapore-based research institutions, and key government agencies.
The Steering Committee is helmed by co-chairs, Mr Lew Chuen Hong, Chief Executive, IMDA, and Professor Chua Kee Chaing, President, SIT. The programme is headed by Programme Director, Professor Tony Quek, SUTD.
Get in touch with us
If you would like to know more about the programme, please visit the FCP website, or email the FCP office at for enquiries.
If you are a company with research and innovation problems, you are welcome to contact the FCP Office to explore potential collaborations, and leverage on the FCP programme to translate research into market-ready solutions.