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Trusted Data Sharing Framework

About the Trusted Data Sharing Framework

IMDA released the Trusted Data Sharing Framework to help companies overcome challenges in addressing digital trust between data providers and develop “trusted data”. The framework helps companies by establishing a set of trust technologies and baseline “common data sharing language” and a systematic approach to understanding the broad considerations for establishing trusted data-sharing partnerships.

IMDA's Trusted Data Sharing Framework for developing digital trust between providers, helping companies overcome challenges in addressing trust

Download the framework and resources here:

Data Sharing Agreements

Bilateral Data Sharing

Data Sharing Agreements: A diagram illustrating how Bilateral Data Sharing works

Access the sample for Bilateral Data Sharing Agreement.


Multilateral Data Sharing

Data Sharing Agreements: A diagram illustrating how Multilateral Data Sharing works

Access the sample for Multilateral Data Sharing Agreement.


Multilateral Data Sharing (with Lead)

Data Sharing Agreements: A diagram illustrating how Multilateral Data Sharing (with Lead) works

Access the sample for Multilateral (with Lead) Data Sharing Agreement.


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